Friday, December 27, 2013

New Years Holiday Modified Schedule

Hey guys,

    Hope you had a great Christmas holiday!

We have a modified New Year's Schedule for next week.

Saturday, Dec 28th: Yvette will be here early at 8am, and at 9am, to work off your Xmas treats!

Monday, Dec 30, will be our SPECIAL NEW YEARS training session at 6:30pm.  Please RSVP if you plan to attend, just as we asked last week for the Xmas event.

Tuesday, Dec 31st: Class is Canceled

Wednesday, Jan 1st: Class is Canceled

Thursday, Jan 2nd: Please attend at 6:30pm with Whitney.  She will work the alcohol out of you!

Saturday, Jan 4th: Regular scheduling continues with 8am and 9am classes that morning:)

Thanks for being flexible, and we apologize if this is an inconvenience to you.

WOD- Max Effort 3

 Saturday, 12/28/13

Directions: Over the course of 3-5 sets, work up to the heaviest weight possible for each exercise assigned.  Post your max weight in the comments section for each exercise.

Clean and Jerk - 5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions on each arm)

Snatch -  5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions on each arm)

Thrusters -  5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions)

Compare to 8/3/13

Friday, December 20, 2013

WOD -Cardio 2

Saturday, 12/21/13

20 Minute AMRAP ( as many reps as possible) using an Ascending Ladder for Repetitions.

Directions: Perform the exercises in the order they are given. Perform each repetition on the right and left side before moving onto the next exercise. Once the 20 min time limit starts, you will perform 1 rep of each exercise on each arm. You will then repeat the order using 2 reps on each arm, followed by 3,4,5,6.....Keep moving until your time runs out, at which point, you will log the highest repetition (or round) you made it to, plus any partial rounds.

1 Arm Swing

Compare to 7/6/13

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Kettlebell Holiday Schedule

    We will be canceling kettlebell classes only on these two days:

Tues, Dec 24th (Xmas Eve)

Wed, Dec 25th (Xmas)

    On Monday, Dec 23, we will host our special holiday kettlebell session.  Each holiday, we create a fun, challenging, and interactive kettlebell class for the community.  This classes theme will be "The 12 Days of Christmas!"

    If you plan to attend that class at 6:30pm Monday evening (Dec 23), please email  These holiday kettlebell classes are unusually fun, special you don't want to miss out! Come join the fun!

Friday, December 13, 2013

WOD- Max Effort 2

Saturday, 12/14/13

Work up to a max weight for each movement, using the given repetition maximum assigned.  Do so over the course of 3-5 sets for each exercise.  Once you have used the most amount of weight possible for the prescribed repetitions, you are done that exercise.  Therefore, continue on to the next movement and repeat the process of progressive resistance, ending in a max effort attempt for each one.  The max weight used in each one is what gets logged in the "comments" section below.  FYI, the weight logged needs to be the same for your right and left arm!

1) Turkish Getup - 1RM (1 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 1 repetition)
2) Front Squat - 5RM ( 5 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 5 repetition)
3) Overhead Press - 5RM ( 5 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 5 repetition)

Compare to 7/13/13

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gift Certificates Available

Let's pose an important question:

What better gift is there than the gift of fitness?
If you are having trouble coming up with anything more valuable, that is a good sign you value your own health and well being.  We all can lead much happier lives if we are fit and healthy.  The same is true for your friends and family.
Maybe someone you know is afraid to commit to their health, and perhaps, you can nudge them in the healthy direction.  Consider buying them a gift certificate at Maryland Kettlebells!
Maybe someone you know is already a student at Maryland Kettlebells, but you want to lessen the financial investment for them so that they can take their wife/husband out for a night on the town this month.  Consider buying them a gift certificate at Maryland Kettlebells!
Maybe your son or daughter is finishing their fall sport season, and now is the time to focus on their strength and conditioning.  Maybe you're not sure kettlebell training is right for them, so you want to test the program out for a month before you fully commit to a whole off season of training.  Consider buying them a gift certificate at Maryland Kettlebells!
No matter what the reason, it's always a good time to invest in kettlebell training.  Gift certificates are a meaningful and influential way to show someone you love how valuable our services have been for you.  Share the gift of kettlebell training through the following payment methods at Maryland Kettlebells:
Paypal (quick, easy, with the click of a button)
CC (Visa or MC)
Check (payable to "Maryland Kettlebells")

Once payment is rendered, you will receive an email with an attachment for you to physically print off for the recipient. 
Services include:
6 Class Kettlebell Class Package: $99
1 Month Unlimited Kettlebell Class Package: $149
Personal Training: $55 for 30 min, $110 for 60 min (Package deals available)
Family Group Discounts: available for group kettlebell classes, just ask for more information
Military/ Law Enforcement Discounts: available for group kettlebell classes, just ask for more information
Thank you,

Tonight's (Tuesday) Kettlebell Class Canceled

   Due to inclement weather conditions, tonight's kettlebell class is canceled. Please join us tomorrow, Wednesday, at 6:30pm to resume your training plans!

   Stay safe out there!


Maryland Kettlebell Staff

Friday, November 29, 2013

WOD- Chase the Turkey

Saturday, November 30. 2013

Partner WOD- 20 Min Time Cap

While 1 Partner is completing the kettlebell movement, the other partner is completing the locomotion drill. The whole sequence is then repeated, but the partners switch the movements.

50  KB Two Hand Swing
Bear Crawl

40 KB Snatches
Duck Walk

30 KB Thrusters
Crab Walk

20 KB Row

10 KB Reverse Lunges
Lizard Crawl

Record time to completion and the load used.

Friday, November 22, 2013

WOD- Under the Wire

Saturday 11/23/13

WOD- Under the Wire

2RFT - 15 Min Time Cap

10 Hollow Body Rocks
20 Two Hand Swings
10 Mountain Climbers
20 Thrusters
10 Plank Climbers
20 Suitcase Deadlift
10 Pushup

Use 1 KB for all lifts. 

Record load and time to completion.  If task is not completed in the given time cap, record the total number of reps completed when time ran out.

Friday, November 15, 2013

WOD- Strongman Odd Lifts

Saturday, November 16, 2013

WOD- Strongman Strength Development         25 - 30 Min Time Cap

Bent Press (If you lack awesome shoulder mobility, or windmill technique, do not perform this lift! Modify with a version of a regular windmill.) Find your 5 RM

Kneeling 1 Arm Press : Find your 3 RM

Double Suitcase Deadlift : Find your 15 RM

Waiters Walk : Find your max weight for a 1 min time frame

Farmer's Carry: Find your max weight for a 1 min time frame

Friday, November 8, 2013

WOD- KB Fight Gone Bad

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Minute 1:  KB Thrusters (53/35)
Minute 2:  KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53/35)
Minute 3:  BW Burpees
Minute 4:  KB Jerk (53/35)
Minute 5:  KB One Arm Swing (53/35)
Minute 6:  REST
Minute 7:  KB Thrusters (53/35)
Minute 8:  KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53/35)
Minute 9:  BW Burpees
Minute 10:  KB Jerk (53/35)
Minute 11:  KB One Arm Swing (53/35)
Minute 12:  REST
Minute 13:  KB Thrusters (53/35)
Minute 14:  KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53/35)
Minute 15:  BW Burpees
Minute 16:  KB Jerk (53/35)
Minute 17:  KB One Arm Swing (53/35)
Minute 18: Collapse on the floor dying for air!

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating.

On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep.  Athletes will record their TOTAL REPS over the 17 minutes of training as their score to beat next time!

Friday, November 1, 2013

WOD- Kettlebell Gymnastics

Saturday, November 2, 2013

5 RFT (Rounds for time):

10 Burpees
20 Alternating Swings
10 KB L- Sits

Complete 5 rounds for time in the order given.  Record load (should be 1 KB) and time to completion.

Time Cap: 15 min

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Zombie Defense Kettlebell WOD

We had great fun fighting Zombies tonight! Sorry we missed some of you in class!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

RSVP for Halloween Night Attendance

Hey Everyone,
    Thursday night is Halloween! Most of our student base have families, and many with small children.  Because many of you will be dedicating that night to spending time with your kids, and/or treating other people's kids, we am requesting that you RSVP for class attendance.
   For those of you who are definitely committing to attending Thursday night's kettlebell class, please respond to this by email so that we can get a head count.  We don't wish to cancel the class, but if no one is interested in attending, then that just might happen.

Maryland Kettlebells Staff

Friday, October 25, 2013

WOD- Double Chipper

Saturday, 10/26/13

10 Double KB Single Leg DL
20 Double KB Snatch
30 Double KB Thruster
40 Double KB Push Press
50 Double KB Swing

Perform the following exercises in the order provided.  You must complete the first exercise before you move onto the second.  The load should be 2 kettlebells of equal size for the entire chipper.  Record the time to completion and the load for comparison to the next time.

Friday, October 11, 2013

WOD- Double Trouble

Saturday, 10/12/13


Double Trouble

Perform as many round as possible of the following triplet in the order given until the time limit is completed.  Record the number of rounds, as well as the load.  The load should be the same for all three exercises....

Double KB Rolling Punch- 5/side

Double KB Swing- 10

Double KB Squat- 10

Friday, October 4, 2013

Kettlebell Class Canceled Tonight, Friday 10/4

Sorry for the last minute notice! I just found out 10 minutes ago that the office is being repainted overnight.  The painters are starting in an hour, and will not be done until 8pm or so.  Kettlebell class must be canceled for tonight.
However, class will continue at 8am tomorrow morning (Saturday, 10/5).  Whitney will be covering for me, since Yvette and I will be competing in the Mid-Atlantic Hopper CrossFit competition in Baltimore, located at CrossFit BWI.
If you wish to check us out, we will be there all Saturday and Sunday:)

WOD- Max Effort 1

Saturday, 10/5/13

3 Rounds of Max Weight (Ramp up the load each set)

Turkish Getup: 1 rep max
Bottom-up Clean and Press: 5 rep max (each side)
Suitcase Deadlift: 10 rep max (each side)

Compare with 6/29/13

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September Perfect Attendance!

Hey All,
   September has come to a close, and we have the winner of the monthly "Perfect Attendance Award."
    Marlon Bundy claimed first place again this month.  Great dedication Marlon! Your gift will be awarded shortly!

    But, you have competition:) 
    Linda Barrett, Amy Alvord, Heather Alvord, and Mark Armstrong all tied for runner up (second place) for the month of September.  Nice work giving Marlon the competition that he loves so much!
    For the month of October, will someone be able to dethrone Marlon? Put your time in attending class consistently, and stay tuned to find out!  It's the only sure way to make the changes in your fitness and your physique anyway!

Friday, September 27, 2013

WOD- Cardio 1

 Saturday, 9/28/12

As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes

ALL ARE DONE WITH 1 KB. Perform the 4 movements sequentially on your right arm as a flow drill, before moving onto your left arm. 

1 Round = 40 reps ( Right Arm + Left Arm)

Thrusters  - 5reps
Snatch - 5 reps
Clean and Jerk  - 5 reps
1 Hand Swing  - 5 reps

Compare to 6/21/13

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Friday, 9/27/13, Kettlebell Class Canceled

Hey All,
   Please try to make it to tonight's kettlebell class, because tomorrow's class is canceled.  We apologize for the inconvenience, and will have our Saturday morning classes scheduled as normal.  So tonight and Saturday is it for the rest of this week:)
Maryland Kettlebells Coaching Staff

Sunday, September 22, 2013

This Weekend's Competition Was a Success!

What an impressive performance by these 6 AWESOME ATHLETES!

Performances of Note from four of our Masters Athletes:

Linda Barrett: 99 Reps of a Clean and Jerk in 10 Minutes with a 30 lbs Kettlebell!

Leslie Casey: 259 Reps of a Snatch in 10 Minutes with a 10 lbs Kettlebell!

Marlon Bundy: 77 Reps of a DOUBLE Half Snatch in 10 Minutes with TWO 35 lbs Kettlebells!

Daniel Callahan: 111 Reps of a DOUBLE Half Snatch in 10 Minutes with TWO 25 lbs Kettlebells! (And he is a kettlebell novice too!)

And from our two younger athletes in their 30's, we have:

Patrick Malafronte: 186 Reps of a Snatch in 10 Minutes with a 44 lbs Kettlebell!

Woodley Victor: 116 Reps of a Snatch in 10 Minutes with a 53 lbs Kettlebell!

I couldn't have been more proud of my students.  Seeing you work so hard pushes me to work that much harder!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Regular Classes Canceled Saturday 21st for IKL BOLT Competition

Tomorrow's normal kettlebell classes are canceled in lieu of the IKL BOLT Competition.  However, remember that the weigh ins starts around 8am, with the events beginning at 8am. That is the same time you are used to attending kettlebell classes on Saturday mornings. In fact, the whole event should be done before 10am, with certificates being awarded to the first, second, and third place winners. 

Here is the point: If you were intending on coming to class tomorrow morning, but did not register for the competition, I strongly encourage you to attend the competition anyway.  You can walk in the door to register.  Just pick an event or two (like the snatch and clean and jerk) and show up with $25 (registration fee). 

The current competitors registered are regular Maryland Kettlebells students, so you will see faces that you are familiar with.  It will "feel" very similar to a regular Saturday kettlebell class, with one exception....more interaction with each other.  This is a great way to get close to the people you train with!

So, if you think you can't are WRONG! Show up with $25, a towel, water, and a drive to do your best.  You'll find that you love competition just as much as you love the regular classes you attend. This is a great way to add variety to your training, have fun, and continue to gauge your progress towards optimum fitness.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

IMPORTANT: For Those Attending the IKL Kettlebell Competition This Saturday, 9/21

First, let me say that there is still space for more students who wish to attend the competition this Saturday.  If you have never participated, it is a lot like a regular class.  You will be performing 10 minute AMRAPs. The events are:
Single Arm Snatch
Single Arm Clean and Jerk
Double Half Snatch
Double Jerk
You can pick 1, or more, events to compete in.  Competition is based on age, gender, and weight class.
Every athlete will be judged on their performance by another person.  That judge will record the athlete's name, kettlebell size, and total reps at completion.  Every athlete competing will ALSO be judging
Here is the order of things:
8am: Report to the location for weigh ins.
8:15-8:30am- Rules
8:30-8:50 Athletes Warmup
9am-10am: Events start in this order:
                      Single Arm Snatch
                      Single Arm Clean and Jerk
                      Double Half Snatch
                      Double Jerk
Competition Location:
12041 Bournefield Way
Suite C
Silver Spring, MD 20904
***You MUST rely on the address alone to find out location.  If you have never been, allow extra time in case you get lost.  There will be no sign, as we just moved to a larger location.  Use your GPS, and plan ahead please!
Finally, bring your own towel and water.  Kettlebells will be provided.  You DO NOT have to use competition kettlebells if you don't want to.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Almost Sold Out: BOLT Kettlebell Competition Sept 21st

We have a few spaces left for the BOLT Kettlebell Competition being held on September 21, 2013.  If you aren't familiar with the BOLT rules, it is quite simple. 

1) Girevoy kettlebell sport (GS) style is practiced internationally, with a focus on lots of reps over a 10 minute event.  With BOLT rules, you are rewarded for choosing heavier bells, so just because you got less reps than a person next to you, it doesn't necessarily mean you receive a lower scores.  A strong powerlifter can win in BOLT competition, but fail miserably in GS events.
2) In GS events, once the 10 minutes start, you are not allowed to put the kettlebell down.  In BOLT events, you can take breaks as often as you need.
3) In GS events, one the 10 minutes start, you can only switch arms one time. In BOLT competitions, you can switch between arms as many times as you wish.
So as you seen, BOLT competitions make kettlebell competitions more accessible to the public.  Strength is rewarded, and your breaks are not penalized.  We even have a youth and junior division.  So if you know how to clean and jerk and/or snatch, put your fitness to the test.  Throw down at the BOLT competition, hosted by Maryland Kettlebells, on Saturday, September 21.
Register here:

Friday, September 13, 2013

WOD-Max Effort 6

 Saturday, 9/14/13

Over the course of 25 min, find the max weight you can use to safely and correctly perform the following exercises/ reps.

Turkish Getup- 5 RM

Windmills - 10 RM

Thrusters- 10 RM

Snatch- 10 RM

Compare 6/15/13

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Please Vote for Your Preferred Kettlebell Training Music Genre in the Comments Section Below this Post!

At CrossFit, we play loud music (usually rap/hip-hop/pop/hard rock) to motivate us to push harder.  Everyone loves to train to music, but the catch is, it needs to be music you like.  Otherwise, it won't have an affect on your performance.  You also may not enjoy your training as much.
We here at Maryland Kettlebells strive to make your experience fun.  Of course, we hope you learn something every time you come in too! But unlike CrossFit, we have such a wide diversity of ages in the regular student body.  So, I got to wondering today, what kind of music DO YOU like to train to? What motivates YOU to push harder, and longer?
Of course, we can't make 100% of the students happy 100% of the time.  But, maybe with your feedback, we can get that percentage up much higher with better selection in music:)
So, to make this easier to track, you can ONLY CHOOSE ONE of the following options.  Please remember that we use Pandora, so the software streams music by genre without our control.
Here are your options, and they are all fast rhythms:
1) Rap (Examples: Eminem, Jay-Z, Lupe Fiasco, B.O.B, Macklemore, Kid Cudi, etc)
2) Hip Hop (Black Eyed Peas, Justin Timberlake, Fergie, Drake, PitBull, etc)
3) Contemporary Hard Rock (Drowning Pool, Limp Bizkit, Disturbed, Linkin Park, etc)
4) Contemporary Pop (Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Robin Thicke, Imagine Dragons, Taylor Swift, etc)

5) Older Hard Rock (Aerosmith, AC/DC, Guns N Roses, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Survivor, Boston, Bob Seger, Metallica, etc)


Friday, September 6, 2013

WOD -Cardio 6

As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes


Perform 5 reps of Thrusters on your right arm, 5 snatch on right, 5 clean and jerk on right, and 5 swings on right....then switch to left side and perform the same sequence. 

1 Round = 40 reps (R and L added together!)

Clean and Jerk
1 Hand Swing

Compare to 6/7/13

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Myths of Kettlebell Training: Where do You Fall?

Many of you have busy lives, that may make it hard to attend kettlebell classes more regularly.  After having a few days in a row of light attendance, I realized, maybe some of you are making certain assumptions that I can clear up.
Myth 1: If you train every day, you will definitely overtrain.
    This is completely false, IF you are smart about your training.  Every class, we leave time for a dynamic warmup, kettlebell skill work, a faster metcon, and some basic mobility work at the end....and in 1 hours time.  Drop the idea that if you lift weights, your body needs days of rest in between for recovery.  That would only matter if you trained like a bodybuilder, 2 hours a day in the gym, splitting up bodyparts.  Think about construction workers.  They lift weights all day, every day...and they are in GREAT shape!  So, if you want to achieve the best body ever, get to kettlebell class 5-6 days a week.  If you have specific performance goals across a few movements, get to class 5-6 days a week, because if you truly want to improve your overhead pressing gotta press often!
Myth 2:  I need "cardio" to lose bodyfat.
    First off, anyone whose been to a few kettlebell classes knows that you get plenty of cardio from throwing around kettlebells.  But that is off topic.  If you want to make changes to your body, you need to get strong...period.  If you can't squat half your bodyweight with kettlebells, deadlift or swing the same, and press half your bodyweight are weak.  In fact, you should be able to perform a turkish getup with almost twice the weight you can strict press! So if you want muscle, and you need strength, get yourself into kettlebell classes 5-6 days a week.
Myth 3: Fitness means looking good.

    To some people that definition might work, but to me, you are fit when you can perform a wide variety of functional movements proficiently at a wide variety of speeds under various adverse conditions.  What does that mean? Well, if you can squat a lot of weight...great! That is a start.  But can you squat a lot of weight, for a lot of reps, for 10 minutes of work?  There is a reason we use a clock in our classes.  The time domain provides an added level of fitness that is not achievable with just a heavy or light kettlebell.  If you don't consider yourself proficient at a lot of exercises, at various lengths of routines, at various tempos....time to get yourself into kettlebell classes 5-6 days a week.
  If one or more of these myth has been consistently followed by you in your training, it's time to make a change! Lets get into class as often as possible.  If it is important to you, and your fitness truly matters, you will find a way to make more time.  We all need coaches, and we are here to help you get the most out of your training.  But if you only show up once a week, are your expectations that realistic?

Friday, 9/6/13 Canceled

Whitney will be out of town tomorrow and Friday.  I will be covering tomorrow's 6:30pm class, however, Friday's class will need to be canceled.  Please try to make it in tomorrow. A lot of you haven't even seen the awesome new location yet!

See you tomorrow!

September 21st Competition

As a reminder, there is still room to participate in our friendly, informal kettlebell competition. 

Whether you are truly trying to be a great kettlebell athlete, motivating yourself for your ongoing fitness, or simply trying to perform better than you last event...this small competition is open to you. 

Best of all, it will be held at our new, larger space:

12041 Bournefield Way
Suite C
Silver Spring, MD 20904
To register, go here:

Saturday, August 31, 2013

More Announcements and Updates

Hey All,
     This morning's classes went great! Thank you to everyone who came to class this morning at the new location.  Many of you gave me some wonderful feedback about the location, as well as advice on how to help our students make the transition easier. We deeply appreciate the support you continue to give, and are excited to grow even further in this awesome larger space.
    As time goes by, please continue to provide positive and constructive feedback on how you feel we can modify or change so that our kettlebell community continues to be happy and grow together! Emails are best, because I check them regularly.
   Last two things:
      Yvette and I sat down today and created the Labor Day kettlebell routine that we will hold on Monday, September 2nd, at 8:30.  10 people RSVPed, so if you still haven't done so, please do that soon.  Generally, our holiday events are different, challenging, and interactive....with their design being based upon how many people are planning on attending.
      Second, the website has been updated with the correct schedule.  Every weekday class now starts at 6:30pm.  That means Tues and Wed classes are starting 30 min later than you are used to for the last several years. It might mean some of you will show up really early out of habit, but no worries! If you show up at 6pm, that just means you have more time to use the foam rollers and stretch out prior to toss the kettlebell.

Friday, August 30, 2013

We've Moved! It's Official!

Hey Everyone!
After all the chaos, and back and forth emailing, we can exhale a sigh of relief.
We've moved.
Today will be the first official business day in the new space.  Tomorrow (Sat morning) will be the first official kettlebell class.  Remember, there will be a SPECIAL LABOR DAY kettlebell event on Monday as well, at 8:30am.
Come join us at:
12041 Bournefield Way
Building C
Silver Spring, MD 20904

WOD- Max Effort 5

 SATURDAY, 8/31/13

You will have approximately 30 minutes to complete the 4 exercises below.  Your goal is to achieve the request repetition maximum (RM) for each exercise, on each arm, before moving onto the next exercise.  It should take you less than 5 sets to achieve the highest weight possible for each RM task.  Record the heaviest weight you used for the requisite RM prescription.

Bottom Up Turkish Getup - 1 RM

Bottom Up Clean and Press- 3 RM

Push Press - 3 RM

2 Hand Swing - 20 RM

Compare to 6/1/13

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Kettlebell Class Canceled for Wed, Thurs, and Fri

As I feared, I have to cancel KB Class for the rest of this week

However, we are planning on having our Saturday morning classes at 8am and 9am. 

We have plenty of new space, so I expect as many of you to attend as possible!
Please RSVP to both the Saturday morning classes and the special 8:30am Labor Day Class on Monday September 2nd.
See you Saturday:)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I May Have Spoken Too Soon!

We ran into a snag with getting keys and some issues with outlets being finished and a T1 Line being installed.  We are definitely moving on Thursday.  However, it is HIGHLY LIKELY that I will need to cancel Thursday and Friday's kettlebell classes.

   Stay tuned for another email tomorrow.  But it is HIGHLY LIKELY that today and Saturday morning will be the only other days left to attend a kettlebell class.

   I know this is highly inconvenient for you, and the chaos is very frustrating to me. Being that Maryland Kettlebells is a third party separate from the leasee, I am trying to make a compromise between keeping my students informed, and at the same time, trying to avoid too many confusing, changing, and contradictory emails.  I am doing my best given the information I receive, so bear with me.

  No matter what, next week will be the start of a newly rennovated, larger space for us to call our home!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Special Labor Day Event: Please RSVP!

We are planning a special event at 8:30am on Monday, September 2nd, for our kettlebell class. The regular evening class will be canceled. Please RSVP if you are committing to attending at 8:30am
It will be held at the new location:

                      12041 Bournefield Way
                       Suite #110 (Building C)
                       Silver Spring. MD 20904

This Weeks Kettlebell Class Locations

I forgot to mention in my previous email that after we move the kettlebells over to the new location on Wednesday night and Thursday morning, that means the kettlebell classes will be held there for the foreseeable future.  Here is the break down:

Tomorrow's class (Tues 8/27/13): Held at 12200 Tech Rd (Old location)


Thurs: Held at 12041 Bournefield Way, Suite #110 (Building C) which is the new location

Fri: Held at 12041 Bournefield Way, Suite #110 (Building C) which is the new location

Sat: Held at 12041 Bournefield Way, Suite #110 (Building C) which is the new location

To Recap, the new address starting Thurs, 8/29/13 is;
                      12041 Bournefield Way
                       Suite #110 (Building C)
                       Silver Spring. MD 20904

Kettlebell Schedule for the Week of Aug 26th

We will officially be moving to our new office on Thursday morning.  That means that we are packing the last of our stuff for the movers Wednesday night after patients.  As such, I need to cancel Wed night's kettlebell class.  As of this email, no other classes should be affected by our move.  So, here is the class schedule:

Monday: 6:30pm

Tues: 6pm


Thursday: 6:30pm

Friday: 6:30 pm

Saturday: 8 and 9am.

Also, starting next week, all weekday evening kettlebell classes will begin at 6:30pm. That will allow for continuity, and give people a 30 min cushion to beat the DC traffic.

Stay tuned for more!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

August Announcements!

First, remember that the person(s) who attend the most sessions for the month of August receives a prize for August Perfect Attendance.  If two or more of you tie for first place, then it looks like I'm awarding multiple prize winners.  Let's fight for that first place spot this last week of August!

 Second, I don't want to confuse anyone about our move to the new location.  We will be moving shortly.  We were originally supposed to be in the new location this coming Monday.  We WILL NOT be!  But here is the hard part, I can't promise you a specific date yet:( 
 The new location's build-out is finished.  The flooring is done, as is the painting.  The ceiling is done as well.  We are waiting on the inspectors and fire marshal to sign off.  Once that is done, we have to get professionals in to wire the building for telephone, internet, and networking capabilities.  That will be done soon, but again, I don't have a specific date yet.
  So, we are still holding kettlebell classes in the old location until you receive an email from me stating differently.  I will continue to update the website and facebook with that information.  If you are not used to staying "plugged in" to our kettlebell community online, this week is the week to change that habit!

Friday, August 23, 2013

WOD- Cardio 5

 Saturday, 8/24/13

Descending Ladder ( Record time to completion and weight used)


Turkish Getup - 1 rep each set on each side

Followed by:

1 Arm Snatches - 10, 9, 8,....1 reps

Directions: Start on your back. Use turkish getup to stand up, perform your 10 snatches, then leave the bell up on the 10th snatch. Return to the ground, reversing your turkish getup. Switch sides, repeating the same sequence. When you return to the first side, once you are standing, you will only perform 9 snatches, then go back down to the ground. You will continue in the descending pattern until you end with 1 turkish getup and 1 snatch on each arm.

Compare to 5/25/13

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Sept. 21st...The 3rd BOLT Kettlebell Competition

I am excited to be hosting the next IKL Kettlebell competition on Saturday, September 21st.  It's time to test your progress over the last 5-6 months. Please inform your students! Please promote it to your friends and family!

   Being a competitive CrossFitter for the last 2 years, I'd love to see more CrossFitters test their fitness in the kettlebell arena.  How will YOU stack up against the kettlebell lifters?
   Enroll with the link below, and if you have questions, please email me!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Kettlebell Class Canceled for Tonight, Friday 8/16

No Class Tonight, Friday 8/16.  Please attend tomorrow morning at 8am or 9am, and please RSVP.

WOD- Max Effort 4

SATURDAY,  8/17/13

Directions: End with the highest weight possible for the given exercise and repetitions. Spend 3-5 sets getting to that heaviest weight. Log the weight, and if it is different on the left and right arm.

Windmill - 5RM

Reverse Lunge- 5RM

Lateral Lunge- 5RM

1 Arm Swing - 10RM

Compare to 5/18/13

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kettlebell Class Canceled Friday Aug 26th

Please try to make it to tomorrow's kettlebell class.  I will be covering for tomorrow's class, but Friday's class will need to be regrettably canceled.  Yvette will be teaching Saturday morning as planned, so don't forget to RSVP for Saturday's class in advance.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

WOD- Cardio 4

Saturday, 8/10/13

21-15-9 (complete for minimum time)

Compare to 5/11/13

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Get Your Butt In Here Tonight!

   I have two great reasons why you should attend kettlebell class tonight!

First reason: kettlebell class is canceled this Thursday!

Second reason: kettlebell class is canceled this Friday!

   That means you only have today and Saturday morning to get the rest of your weekly training in.  Whitney will be away Thurs and Fri, and Yvette and I will be unable to cover those two days. 

So, shift around your plans and get in here tonight and Saturday morning.  No excuses:)

Friday, July 26, 2013

WOD- Max Effort 3

 Saturday, 8/3/13

Directions: Over the course of 3-5 sets, work up to the heaviest weight possible for each exercise assigned.  Post your max weight in the comments section for each exercise.

Clean and Jerk - 5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions on each arm)

Snatch -  5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions on each arm)

Thrusters -  5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions)

Compare to 4/13/13

Saturday, July 20, 2013

POWER OUTAGE: Today's Kettlebell Class Is Canceled

Yvette just called and informed me that we have no power at the office.  It is too dark to train inside without the lights, and too hot/humid to train outside.  Sorry for the inconvenience, but class needs to be canceled.


Friday, July 19, 2013

WOD- Cardio 3

 Saturday, 7/20/13

Complete reps for minimum time (20 minute time limit)

5 Getups each side
20 Clean, squat, press on each side
30 Suitcase Deadlift each side
40 Snatches each side

Compare to 4/27/13

Friday, July 12, 2013

WOD -Max Effort 2

Saturday, 7/13/13

Work up to a max weight for each movement, using the given repetition maximum assigned.  Do so over the course of 3-5 sets for each exercise.  Once you have used the most amount of weight possible for the prescribed repetitions, you are done that exercise.  Therefore, continue on to the next movement and repeat the process of progressive resistance, ending in a max effort attempt for each one.  The max weight used in each one is what gets logged in the "comments" section below.  FYI, the weight logged needs to be the same for your right and left arm!

1) Turkish Getup - 1RM (1 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 1 repetition)
2) Front Squat - 5RM ( 5 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 5 repetition)
3) Overhead Press - 5RM ( 5 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 5 repetition)

Compare to: 3/29/13

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Friday, July 12th, Kettlebell Class is Canceled

    Regretfully, we must cancel kettlebell class this Friday on July 12th.  Whitney will be out of town, and Yvette and I will be smack in the middle of a crossfit competition kicking the other teams' arse. 
   To compensate, please arrange your schedules to attend tonight, tomorrow night (Thurs), and Saturday morning.  In order to be fit and strong, we all must stay focused and consistent in our efforts! Continue being the minority, taking control of your fitness, and by extension, your life....

Friday, July 5, 2013

WOD - Cardio 2

Saturday, 7/6/13

20 Minute AMRAP ( as many reps as possible) using an Ascending Ladder for Repetitions.

Directions: Perform the exercises in the order they are given. Perform each repetition on the right and left side before moving onto the next exercise. Once the 20 min time limit starts, you will perform 1 rep of each exercise on each arm. You will then repeat the order using 2 reps on each arm, followed by 3,4,5,6.....Keep moving until your time runs out, at which point, you will log the highest repetition (or round) you made it to, plus any partial rounds.

1 Arm Swing

Compare to 4/6/13

Thursday, July 4, 2013

No class tonight!

Sorry for the late notice, but class is canceled tonight, July 4, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013

WOD- Max Effort 1

Saturday, 6/29/13

3 Rounds of Max Weight (Ramp up the load each set)

Turkish Getup: 1 rep max
Bottom-up Clean and Press: 5 rep max (each side)
Suitcase Deadlift: 10 rep max (each side)

Compare with 3/16/13

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Friday, 6/28/13, Class Canceled

This weeks Friday class, on 6/28/13, is canceled. Plan to attend today, Thursday, and Saturday of this week only.
Once we move to our new location in late July, we'll have more coaches and more class options to make up for inconveniences like this:)

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Friday, June 21, 2013

WOD - Cardio 1

 Saturday, 12/22/12

As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes

ALL ARE DONE WITH 1 KB. Perform the number of reps required on each arm before moving onto the next exercise.

Thrusters  - 5reps
Snatch - 5 reps
Clean and Jerk  - 5 reps
1 Hand Swing  - 5 reps

Compare to 12/22/12

Friday, June 14, 2013

WOD- Max Effort 6

 Saturday, 6/15/13

Over the course of 25 min, find the max weight you can use to safely and correctly perform the following exercises/ reps.

Turkish Getup- 5 RM

Windmills - 10 RM

Thrusters- 10 RM

Snatch- 10 RM

Compare 3/2/13

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tonight's Ketlebell Class Canceled 6/13/13

Due to the impending dangerous weather, we are canceling tonight's kettlebell class to keep everyone safe and uninjured. Thank you for your understanding!

Friday, June 7, 2013

WOD- Cardio 6

As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes


Perform 5 reps of Thrusters on your right arm, 5 snatch on right, 5 clean and jerk on right, and 5 swings on right....then switch to left side and perform the same sequence. 

1 Round = 40 reps (R and L added together!)

Clean and Jerk
1 Hand Swing

Compare to 3/23/13

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Saturday 10am Class Removed From Schedule Until Further Notice

Saturday kettlebell classes will consist only of a 8am and 9am class.  Until further notice, the 10am kettlebell class is canceled on Saturday mornings. 
Furthermore, to control class size a bit, we are asking that everyone who intends to join us at 8am or 9am Saturday morning email me or call us in advance. If you forget to email us or call, don't worry, you are still allowed to show up.  However, the more of you that remember to email or call, the easier it will be for us coaches to manage class sizes.

Within the next 2 months, we will be opening up our newer, larger facility right around the corner from our current location on Tech Rd.  As more information becomes available, and an actual date of opening is set, I will release Grand Opening information, discounts, and promotions!! 
We will also be hiring more coaches to teach more classes throughout the week and weekend.  Once we move to the new facility, we will consider adding back in a 10am class on Saturday mornings.

Stay tuned for more exciting information!
Maryland Kettlebells

Friday, May 31, 2013

Tomorrow, Saturday, 6/1/13: 10AM Class Canceled

Please plan to only attend the 8am or 9am kettlebell class tomorrow morning.  The 10am class is canceled tomorrow. All class times are open to beginners. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you in your training plans.

WOD- Max Effort 5

 SATURDAY, 6/1/13

You will have approximately 30 minutes to complete the 4 exercises below.  Your goal is to achieve the request repetition maximum (RM) for each exercise, on each arm, before moving onto the next exercise.  It should take you less than 5 sets to achieve the highest weight possible for each RM task.  Record the heaviest weight you used for the requisite RM prescription.

Bottom Up Turkish Getup - 1 RM

Bottom Up Clean and Press- 3 RM

Push Press - 3 RM

2 Hand Swing - 20 RM

Compare to 12/1/12

Monday, May 27, 2013

Re- Memorial- Lay!

That's right, it's our yearly Memorial Day Kettlebell Team Relay...hence the name of the WOD:) (Thanks to Yvette:))

Check out the pic below, and the instructions to explain it are at the bottom.

Teams of two will select 1 KB that is of appropriate load for each teammate for the following 4 exercises:

Alternating Swings
Squats (holding anyway you like)
Push Press (2 hands on the KB)
Walking Lunges (Waiter's Walk for those who modify)

All teams start at the "Start Line."  Coach yells 3,2,1...GO!  The first teammate runs to the first station to perform 30 alternating swings.  They then lunge to the second station WITH their kettlebell.  At the second station, they perform 30 squats, then lunge to their third station WITH their kettlebell.  At the third station they perform 30 push press (with 2 hands on the bell).  Once finished, they LEAVE THE KETTLEBELL at station three, sprinting back to tag their partner. Their partner then runs all the way down to the kettlebell, and starts making their way back to their partner in the same order (swings, lunge, squat, lunge, push press...sprint!)

That is all ROUND 1.  So for round 2, we follow the same pattern, but we perform 20 reps of your swing, squat, and push press (Not the 30 reps you performed in round 1).  And for round 3, we perform 10 reps for your swing, squat, and push press.

The goal is for your team to finish the relay as fast as possible, while still maintaining proper technique and movement standards.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

9am Monday: Special Memorial Day Kettlebell Class

We are officially meeting 9am on Monday (Memorial Day) for a special kettlebell class. Those of you who have committed to attending, we will have a special WOD for you.  Anyone who hasn't emailed me a confirmation may still attend as well. The more, the merrier!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Day Schedule Modification

We will only be having the 8am and 9am kettlebell class this Saturday, 5/25. So plan on waking up early to get your training in, as there will not be a 10am class held.  Set your alarms early:)

Additionally, we will be not be hosting the Monday evening kettlebell class.  However, if we can get at least 8 people to commit to attending a 9am class Monday morning, a coach will be there.    I will send a follow up email on Sunday informing the group as to whether we met our attendance quota.


Please RSVP by email to commit to a 9am Monday morning class.

WOD- Cardio 5

 Saturday, 5/25/13

Descending Ladder ( Record time to completion and weight used)

Turkish Getup - 1 rep each set on each side

Followed by:

1 Arm Snatches - 10, 9, 8,....1 reps

Directions: Start on your back. Use turkish getup to stand up, perform your 10 snatches, then leave the bell up on the 10th snatch. Return to the ground, reversing your turkish getup. Switch sides, repeating the same sequence. When you return to the first side, once you are standing, you will only perform 9 snatches, then go back down to the ground. You will continue in the descending pattern until you end with 1 turkish getup and 1 snatch on each arm.

Compare to 2/23/13

Friday, May 17, 2013

WOD- Max Effort 4

SATURDAY,  5/18/13

Directions: End with the highest weight possible for the given exercise and repetitions. Spend 3-5 sets getting to that heaviest weight. Log the weight, and if it is different on the left and right arm.

Windmill - 5RM

Reverse Lunge- 5RM

Lateral Lunge- 5RM

1 Arm Swing - 10RM

Compare to 2/16/13

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Friday 5/17/13, Kettlebell Class Canceled

I apologize in advance if this interferes with your weekly training plans. Whitney will be out of town, and Yvette and I will be fullfilling another commitment, so I must regretably cancel Friday nights (5/17) kettlebell class. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
As an alternative, please login to the website and find a saturday workout that you haven't completed in a while. Perform it on your own, and then please post your performance on the site. As coaches, we are holding you accountable even though we are not physically in front of you:)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

BOLT Competition a Huge Success: Great Job Athletes!

We had a great turn out at last weekend's BOLT competition.  A total of 12 athletes participated.  For the first time since joining the IKL, we even had the lovely Chloe Stancombe compete as our first youth.  She performed very well, performing 70 snatches in 3 minutes! She was even courageous enough to perform alone, rather than within a group, as the sole youth competitor.

All of Maryland Kettlebell's regular students performed amazingly well also.  Michelle Lennox and Leslie Casey both shined with first place finishes in their events.  For the males, Marlon Bundy, David Blagg, and Woodley Victor also walked away with first place finishes.  Way to represent the class!

Additionally, several "out-of-towners" showed up, putting on quite a show.  In fact, several of them demonstrated the differences between GS (girevoy sport) technique and our fitness-oriented hardstyle methods.  Martin Farrell, Ed Stancombe, Zoila Forgione, Chuck Seng, and Diane Tan all showcased their GS skills, resulting in several first place finishes as well.

And finally, CrossFit Diesel (my CrossFit home base) was represented by Hilary Dean.  Despite feeling quite sick, and almost pulling out of the competition, she threw down on the snatch and the clean and jerk.  Her efforts awarded her a first and second place finish respectively!

Great job everyone! Mark your calendars for August-September, which is the next event.  Check regularly to get updates.....

Check out some of the pics and videos from last weekend!

Friday, May 10, 2013

WOD- Cardio 4

Saturday, 5/11/13

21-15-9 (complete for minimum time)

Compare to 2/2/13

Monday, May 6, 2013

Tuesday, May 7th, Kettlebell Class Canceled!

Hi All,
   Sorry for the last minute notice, but I have an emergency that requires my attention, and I was unable to get coverage for tomorrow's kettlebell class.  I apologize for any inconvenience that this creates for your training.  Classes will resume on Wed, at 6pm, as per our normal weekly schedule.


Friday, May 3, 2013

Kettlebell Competition Tomorrow (Regular classes are canceled)

As a reminder, our regular kettlebell classes are canceled tomorrow morning because of the IKL Kettlebell Competition being held from 9am-12noon.  I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused in your training plans.  Drop in registration is still welcome.  You can also come help support us by helping to judge lifts and/or generally cheering on competitors.  The more people there, the more fun we will have.

As a reminder, weigh ins are 8-8:30am tomorrow morning.  The event should kick off by 9am.  Please plan on being there until it is done.  Each of you will be judging for others while you are resting from your events.  To give each of you an idea of the order, here are the tentative flights:

Half Snatch


David Flight 1     

Hilary 9-9:20


Double Jerk

Martin Flight 2      9:20-9:40

Su Eng Tan

Chuk-Yang Seng



CHLOE (youth) Flight 3


Marlon Flight 4

Woodley 9:55- 10:15



Chuk-Yang Seng


Hilary Flight 5

Leslie 10:15-10:35


Clean and Jerk

Woodley Flight 6

Ed 10:35- 10:55


Hilary Flight 7

Leslie 10:55- 11:15


Each event, with the exception of Chloe's snatch, will last 10 minutes.  There will be a 5-10 minute break between events.  That means the event should be completed by 11:15am.  I will do my best to crank out the numbers after each flight during that 10 minute break.  If I can do that, and I stay organized, I should be able to hand out certificates within 10-15 minutes after the event ends.  So all of you should be on the road before 12noon.


Friday, April 26, 2013

Last Chance to Register for May 4th!

Register Here:

I will be hosting another casual kettlebell competition on Saturday, May 4th, at 8am.  It will be held at our office, in the same location that our classes will be held.  Classes will be canceled for that day.  Instead, those wanting to test their fitness will be encouraged to participate in the kettlebell competition.

Competition Location:    12200 Tech Rd, Suite #104
                                         Silver Spring, MD 20904

Weigh Ins Begin:  8am

The office is not very large, and as a result, I am limiting the number of participants to the first 30 that register. Therefore, if you are seriously interested, please register immediately, as it will be a first come, first served basis for participation.

Those of you who show up will also be helping to judge! This will be an interactive process that is fun for everyone involved. I want it to be social, and competitive.  Judging will be easy, and participation in the competition will be very similar to what all of you are used to in our classes.  Lots of hard work for a short period of time. 

You will have exactly 10 minutes per event, attempting to achieve as many repetitions in that time as possible. You get to select your own weight.  The lifts include snatch, clean and jerk, double jerk, half snatch, and double clean and jerk.  Pick 1...or pick 3...your choice! I hope to have a great turnout like last time:)


Figure out your weight class here:


Super Light- Under 59kg
Light- 59.01-66kg
Middle Light- 66.01-74kg
Middle- 74.01-83kg
Heavy Light- 83.01-93kg
Heavy- 93.01- 105kg
Super Heavy- 105.01- 120kg
Unlimited- 120.01 and over


Super Light- Under 47kg
Light- 47.01-52kg
Middle Light- 52.01-57kg
Middle- 57.01-63kg
Heavy Light- 63.01-72kg
Heavy- 72.01- 83kg
Super Heavy- 83.01- 93kg
Unlimited- 93.01 and over

Register Here:

Questions? Please email me at or call 443-742-1224

WOD- Cardio 3

 Saturday, 4/27/13

Complete reps for minimum time (20 minute time limit)

5 Getups each side
20 Clean, squat, press on each side
30 Suitcase Deadlift each side
40 Snatches each side

Compare to 1/19/13

Friday, April 12, 2013

URGENT: 10am Class Tomorrow is Canceled!

Sorry for the late notice, but I need to cancel the 10am class for tomorrow morning.  The 8 and 9am class will still be happening, so please adjust your schedules to attend one of them instead. 
Remember, as a rule, always check your email or the website before you leave to attend a class to make sure there are no last minute schedule changes.
See you all tomorrow morning at 8 or 9am ONLY


 Saturday, 4/13/13

Directions: Over the course of 3-5 sets, work up to the heaviest weight possible for each exercise assigned.  Post your max weight in the comments section for each exercise.

Clean and Jerk - 5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions on each arm)

Snatch -  5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions on each arm)

Thrusters -  5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions)

Compare to 1/25/13

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Friday Kettlebell Class Canceled This Week Only

This Friday, 4/12/13, kettlebell class will be canceled.  Please plan on attending either tomorrow night, or Saturday morning.

Thank you,

Maryland Kettlebells

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Kettlebell Competition May 4th, 2013- LIMITED TO FIRST 30 PARTICIPANTS

Register Here:

I will be hosting another casual kettlebell competition on Saturday, May 4th, at 8am.  It will be held at our office, in the same location that our classes will be held.  Classes will be canceled for that day.  Instead, those wanting to test their fitness will be encouraged to participate in the kettlebell competition.

Competition Location:    12200 Tech Rd, Suite #104
                                         Silver Spring, MD 20904 

Weigh Ins Begin:  8am

The office is not very large, and as a result, I am limiting the number of participants to the first 30 that register. Therefore, if you are seriously interested, please register immediately, as it will be a first come, first served basis for participation.

Those of you who show up will also be helping to judge! This will be an interactive process that is fun for everyone involved. I want it to be social, and competitive.  Judging will be easy, and participation in the competition will be very similar to what all of you are used to in our classes.  Lots of hard work for a short period of time. 

You will have exactly 10 minutes per event, attempting to achieve as many repetitions in that time as possible. You get to select your own weight.  The lifts include snatch, clean and jerk, double jerk, half snatch, and double clean and jerk.  Pick 1...or pick 3...your choice! I hope to have a great turnout like last time:)


Figure out your weight class here:


Super Light- Under 59kg
Light- 59.01-66kg
Middle Light- 66.01-74kg
Middle- 74.01-83kg
Heavy Light- 83.01-93kg
Heavy- 93.01- 105kg
Super Heavy- 105.01- 120kg
Unlimited- 120.01 and over


Super Light- Under 47kg
Light- 47.01-52kg
Middle Light- 52.01-57kg
Middle- 57.01-63kg
Heavy Light- 63.01-72kg
Heavy- 72.01- 83kg
Super Heavy- 83.01- 93kg
Unlimited- 93.01 and over

Register Here:

Questions? Please email me at or call 443-742-1224

Friday, April 5, 2013

WOD- Cardio 2

Saturday, 4/6/13

20 Minute AMRAP ( as many reps as possible) using an Ascending Ladder for Repetitions.

Directions: Perform the exercises in the order they are given. Perform each repetition on the right and left side before moving onto the next exercise. Once the 20 min time limit starts, you will perform 1 rep of each exercise on each arm. You will then repeat the order using 2 reps on each arm, followed by 3,4,5,6.....Keep moving until your time runs out, at which point, you will log the highest repetition (or round) you made it to, plus any partial rounds.

1 Arm Swing

Compare to 1/4/13

Monday, April 1, 2013

It's All In The Hips...Part 3

 My previous two posts demonstrated two exercises you should be doing to strengthen the deeper gluteal muscles.  Now I am prescribing an exercise that requires a lot of balance and stabilization around the hip.  This is by far the hardest of the three exercises.  You may find it difficult to perform even 1 repetition, so begin with just doing 1 repetition on each leg at a time.  Accumulate 5 reps on each side in a single training session.  Gradually work your way up to performing 5 repetitions on each side in a row, for 5 sets, with approximately 1 minute break between sets.

Performing the 3 gluteal exercises as a warmup prior to your swings, squats, and deadlifts will prime the system for optimal performance, as well as prevent problems in hip stability and strength.  You will surely notice a difference in mobility and strength in a matter of 3-4 weeks practice.  So get to work!

Friday, March 29, 2013

WOD- Max Effort 2

Saturday, 1/12/13

Work up to a max weight for each movement, using the given repetition maximum assigned.  Do so over the course of 3-5 sets for each exercise.  Once you have used the most amount of weight possible for the prescribed repetitions, you are done that exercise.  Therefore, continue on to the next movement and repeat the process of progressive resistance, ending in a max effort attempt for each one.  The max weight used in each one is what gets logged in the "comments" section below.  FYI, the weight logged needs to be the same for your right and left arm!

1) Turkish Getup - 1RM (1 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 1 repetition)
2) Front Squat - 5RM ( 5 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 5 repetition)
3) Overhead Press - 5RM ( 5 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 5 repetition)

Compare to: 1/12/13

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

WOD Wed 3/27/13

Part 1:

5 Double Clean
5 Double Lateral Lunge
5 Push Press

Perform 3 rounds for minimum time.

Part 2


1 Arm Snatch
1 Arm Thruster
1 Arm Swing

Perform 15 reps of snatch on each arm, before moving to 15 reps of thruster on each arm, finishing with 15 reps of swing.  Then repeat pattern with only 12 reps, then again once more with 9 reps. Finish in minimum time. USE 1 KETTLEBELL

Friday, March 22, 2013

WOD- Cardio 6

 Saturday, 3/23/13

As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes

ALL ARE DONE WITH 1 KB. Perform the number of reps required on each arm before moving onto the next exercise.

Thrusters (1 Bell) - 5 reps
Snatch (1 Bell) - 15 reps each arm
Clean and Jerk (1 Bell) - 10 reps each arm
1 Hand Swing (1 Bell) - 15 reps

Compare to 12/22/12

Monday, March 18, 2013

It's All In The Hips...Part 1

Human movement should be hip dominant.  The hip is our center of gravity, and the muscles around it are incredibly strong, powerful, and resilient.  A great athlete learns to stiffen their core while mobilizing the hip musculature in highly coordinated patterns.  Somewhere in the middle of our high tech shoes and sedentary lifestyle, Americans have suffered from poor gluteal development and activation.  This "syndrome" has created symptoms of low back, knee, and foot pain, while reinforcing improper gait mechanics and weak core strength.

When we squat and walk/run barefoot, the hip musculature develops and gets stronger, which creates better stability of the pelvis and core.  Since most of us don't squat or walk around in bare feet often, we need extra help in activating the gluteal muscles, especially the deeper postural gluteals, like the gluteus medius and piriformis.  This seated band hip abduction is a good place to start for you to begin recruiting and activating the deeper gluteal muscles, so they in turn, can properly stabilize and control the hip during your squatting, walking, and kettlebell swinging!

Friday, March 15, 2013

WOD- Max Effort 1

Saturday, 3/16/13

3 Rounds of Max Weight (Ramp up the load each set)

Turkish Getup: 1 rep max
Bottom-up Clean and Press: 5 rep max (each side)
Suitcase Deadlift: 10 rep max (each side)

Compare with 12/29/12

Monday, March 11, 2013

Descending Ladders For High Work Output!

Here is another descending ladder routine that the class and I did outside in the sweltering heat and humidity.

Goblet Squats: 10, 9, 8,....1 reps

              Pair up with:

2 Arm Swings: 10 reps each set

            Instructions:  Jump from 1 set of goblet squats to 1 sets of swings until the 10 sets of each are finished.  Notice only the goblet squats descend in reps each set.

1 Arm Press: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps

              Pair up with:

1 Arm Snatch: 5 reps each set

              Instructions:  Jump from 1 set of presses to 1 set of snatches.  Switch to the other arm and repeat.  Then switch back to your original side and complete the descending sets of presses, followed by your snatches.  Notice that only the presses descend each set.

Friday, March 8, 2013

WOD- Cardio 6

 Saturday, 3/9/13

AMRAP (as many reps as possible for each exercise in the given time frame prescribed.)

Turkish Getups- 5 minutes

Clean and Press - 5 minutes

Snatches -  5 minutes

Compare to 12/8/12

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kettlebell Class Canceled Tonight, Wednesday, March 6th

Kettlebell Class is CANCELED for tonight, Wednesday, March 6th, due to the winter storm


Maryland Kettlebells

Monday, March 4, 2013

Snatch Variations

 Here are a few variations of a snatches.  The first in a hang snatch, where you hold another kettlebell at hip level to increase the load through the hip musculature.  The second variation is an elevated snatch where you raise your feet about 6 inches off the ground, gaining an extra 6 inches of range of motion to improve the power of your hip explosion.  Both are great variations to incorporate into your training, as they both increase the involvement of the hip musculature, which carries over to strength and speed in most athletic endeavors.

Friday, March 1, 2013

WOD- Max Effort 6

 Saturday, 3/2/13

Over the course of 3-5 sets, find the max weight you can use to safely and correctly perform the following exercises/ reps.

Turkish Getup- 5 RM

Windmills - 10 RM

Thrusters- 10 RM

Snatch- 10 RM

Compare 12/15/12

Monday, February 25, 2013

It's All In The Hips...Part 2

 As I mentioned in my previous post (Part 1 of "It's All in the Hips"), it is important to continually and frequently activate and strengthen the gluteal muscles during squatting, walking, and any hip dominant activity (like your kettlebell swings).  The previous exercise got you started with seated gluteal activation through band hip abductions.  Now it is time to introduce locomotion in a partially flexed hip position, i.e. a partial squat.  Most people find that this particular exercise quickly fatigues their gluteal muscles, assuming they use a band of appropriate resistance.  Start with performing 10 steps in each direction, and work up to multiple sets.  You have your get started!

Weighted Pistols!

A "pistol" in my world is a single leg squat. It is an incredible act of athleticism, combining the need for simultaneous strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination.  It would be hard to find another exercise that covers so many bases.  Rarely will you spot someone in the gym performing them, due to their difficulty.  However, the road to being about to perform them is merely paved by intelligent and frequent drilling.  When I started trying, I certainly couldn't get down to the floor right away, and started by sitting back into a chair.  In a later video, I will go over how to start incorporating drills into your training that will allow you to work toward performing a full pistol with added weight in your hand.  For now, check out this introduction of what I have in store for you....

Friday, February 22, 2013

WOD- Cardio 5

 Saturday, 2/23/13

Descending Ladder ( Record time to completion and weight used)

Turkish Getup - 1 rep each set on each side

Followed by:

1 Arm Snatches - 10, 9, 8,....1 reps

Directions: Start on your back. Use turkish getup to stand up, perform your 10 snatches, then leave the bell up on the 10th snatch. Return to the ground, reversing your turkish getup. Switch sides, repeating the same sequence. When you return to the first side, once you are standing, you will only perform 9 snatches, then go back down to the ground. You will continue in the descending pattern until you end with 1 turkish getup and 1 snatch on each arm.

Compare to 11/16/12

Monday, February 18, 2013

Training From the Ground...on Up!

Here is a great routine that forces you to utilize the getup as a means of switching between standing exercises.  Again, another great calorie burner, and if you push the pace, quite effective at improving conditioning as well.

                     START WITH:
1 Turkish Getup to 5 Single Arm Snatches -  keep moving between left and right sides. Continue for 4-6 minutes.
                     SWITCH TO:
1 Turkish Getup to 5 Single Arm High Pulls - keep moving between left and right sides.  Continue for 4-6 minutes.

                     END WITH:
1 Turkish Getup to 5 Single Arm Swings - keep moving between left and right sides.  Continue for 4-6 minutes.

Tip:  Make your own variation!  All you need to do is combine the getup with ANY single arm exercise.  Use the getup to get to your standing position, complete the number of reps you want on that same arm of your standing position, go back to the ground using your getup technique, and switch side. Beginners should limit the total time training to about 20 minutes, being sure to include a 10 minute warmup prior and a 10 minute cooldown afterward.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

WOD- Max Effort 4

SATURDAY,  2/16/13

Directions: End with the highest weight possible for the given exercise and repetitions. Spend 3-5 sets getting to that heaviest weight. Log the weight, and if it is different on the left and right arm.

Windmill - 5RM

Reverse Lunge- 5RM

Lateral Lunge- 5RM

1 Arm Swing - 10RM

Compare to 11/9/12

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February 9th Kettlebell Competition

The competition is right around the corner! I want to make sure everyone is up to speed on the logistics of how Saturday will run. 

1) Plan on showing up at the office at 9am. I will be using the scales in the doctor's office to weigh everyone in.  That means where as light clothing as possible. If a female participant is uncomfortable with me weighing them in, Yvette and Whitney will be here, so they can help with that aspect.  Eventually, in future events, weigh ins will be requiring the person to strip down to their underwear.  That will NOT be the case this time.  You may wear shorts and a t-shirt, but please remove your shoes.

2) Every participant will also be judging someone's performance.  In this respect, the event will run much like local crossfit competitions.  You will be required to judge in order to compete.  As a judge, you will be responsible for counting the number of reps a person completes, and "no rep-ing" them if they do not meet the standards presented after weigh ins.

      -  After weigh ins, I will cover the standards for judging the snatch, clean, and jerk.  I will also provide the materials used to judge at this time.  Just like in any competition, the judge has the final say in whether a rep counts or not.  Do not complain if you get "no repped."  Ask why, fix the problem, and continue competing. 

3) You will have time to warmup, between 9:30 and 9:45am.  This is your time to get your body ready for the competition.
    Foam roll, stretch, use the kettlebells...and ASK FOR HELP from me if you want last minute coaching advice!

4) The competition officially starts at 10am.  Currently, there are about 8 people competing.  That means that the competition will likely be done within 1 hour.  After I have the results, I will award first, second, and third place prizes to the participants.  They are broken down into gender, weight classes, and individual events.

I suggest bringing something light to snack on, perhaps a shake, to be certain your blood sugar does not drop during your competition!

Friday, February 1, 2013

WOD- Cardio 4

Saturday, 2/2/13

21-15-9 (complete for minimum time)

Compare to 10/26/12

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Competition Coming Fast!

 I will be hosting another casual kettlebell competition on Saturday, February 9th, at 10am.  It will be held at our office, in the same location that our classes will be held.  Classes will be canceled for that day.  Instead, those wanting to test their fitness will be encouraged to participate in the kettlebell competition

The office is not very large, and as a result, I am limiting the number of participants to the first 20 that register. Therefore, if you are seriously interested, please register immediately, as it will be a first come, first served basis for participation.

Those of you who show up will also be helping to judge! This will be an interactive process that is fun for everyone involved. I want it to be social, and competitive.  Judging will be easy, and participation in the competition will be very similar to what all of you are used to in our classes.  Lots of hard work for a short period of time. 

You will have exactly 10 minutes per event, attempting to achieve as many repetitions in that time as possible. You get to select your own weight.  The lifts include snatch, clean and jerk, double jerk, half snatch, and double clean and jerk.  Pick 1...or pick 3...your choice! I hope to have a great turnout like last time:)


Register here:

Figure out your weight class here:


Super Light- Under 59kg
Light- 59.01-66kg
Middle Light- 66.01-74kg
Middle- 74.01-83kg
Heavy Light- 83.01-93kg
Heavy- 93.01- 105kg
Super Heavy- 105.01- 120kg
Unlimited- 120.01 and over


Super Light- Under 47kg
Light- 47.01-52kg
Middle Light- 52.01-57kg
Middle- 57.01-63kg
Heavy Light- 63.01-72kg
Heavy- 72.01- 83kg
Super Heavy- 83.01- 93kg
Unlimited- 93.01 and over

For Anyone Arriving to Kettlebell Class After 6pm!

For anyone arriving to kettlebell classes after 6pm, this is important! 

The building has a new property manager, and that manager has changed the locking mechanism on the front door to the building.  Previously, we were able to prop the door open after 6pm to allow for any stragglers to come in.  However, that has changed.

If you arrive at the building for a class, and you find the timer lock on the building has locked the front doors, you must walk around (or drive around) to the back of the building to knock on our back door so that we can hear you.  Knock LOUD!  The back door is clearly marked with the words, "Dr. Steven Horwitz, Personal Trainer." It is the door immediately adjacent to the M&T Bank.

Do NOT stand at the front door hoping that someone will come let you in, because in most cases, the other businesses have closed.  Occasionally, you might see the cleaning crew out front and get lucky, but after trying that tactic for a few minutes with no response, go around the back of the building where we can let you in.