Monday, March 11, 2013

Descending Ladders For High Work Output!

Here is another descending ladder routine that the class and I did outside in the sweltering heat and humidity.

Goblet Squats: 10, 9, 8,....1 reps

              Pair up with:

2 Arm Swings: 10 reps each set

            Instructions:  Jump from 1 set of goblet squats to 1 sets of swings until the 10 sets of each are finished.  Notice only the goblet squats descend in reps each set.

1 Arm Press: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps

              Pair up with:

1 Arm Snatch: 5 reps each set

              Instructions:  Jump from 1 set of presses to 1 set of snatches.  Switch to the other arm and repeat.  Then switch back to your original side and complete the descending sets of presses, followed by your snatches.  Notice that only the presses descend each set.

1 comment:

  1. Here is another descending ladder routine that the class and I did outside in the sweltering heat and humidity. register of exercise professionals courses
