Friday, March 28, 2014

WOD- Under the Wire

Saturday 3/29/14

WOD- Under the Wire

2RFT - 15 Min Time Cap

10 Hollow Body Rocks
20 Two Hand Swings
10 Mountain Climbers
20 Thrusters
10 Plank Climbers
20 Suitcase Deadlift
10 Pushup

Use 1 KB for all lifts. 

Record load and time to completion.  If task is not completed in the given time cap, record the total number of reps completed when time ran out.

Compare to: 11/23/13

Friday, March 21, 2014

WOD- Strongman Lifts

Saturday, March 22, 2014

WOD- Strongman Strength Development        30 Min Time Cap

2 Hand Anyhow (If you lack awesome shoulder mobility, or windmill technique, do not perform this lift! Modify with a version of a regular windmill.) Find your 5 RM

Kneeling 1 Arm Press : Find your 3 RM

Double Suitcase Deadlift : Find your 20 RM

Crucifix Hold: Find your max weight for a 30 second time frame

Waiters Walk : Find your max weight for a 1 min time frame

Farmer's Carry: Find your max weight for a 1 min time frame 

Compare Here: 11/16/13

Friday, March 14, 2014

WOD- Max Effort 6

 Saturday, 3/1/14

Over the course of 25 min, find the max weight you can use to safely and correctly perform the following exercises/ reps.

Turkish Getup- 5 RM

Windmills - 10 RM

Thrusters- 10 RM

Snatch- 10 RM

Compare 9/14/13

Friday, March 7, 2014

WOD- Cardio 6

 Saturday, 2/22/14

As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes


Perform 5 reps of Thrusters on your right arm, 5 snatch on right, 5 clean and jerk on right, and 5 swings on right....then switch to left side and perform the same sequence. 

1 Round = 40 reps (R and L added together!)

Clean and Jerk
1 Hand Swing

Compare to 9/6/13

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday, March 3, Kettlebell Class Canceled

Due to the snow and ice accumulation, kettlebell class will need to be canceled tonight.  We will resume class tomorrow, Tuesday, March 4, evening at 6:30pm.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
For those of you who have a kettlebell at home, this is the workout I plan on completing myself in my basement.  Perhaps you will join me at home:
Turkish Getups: 5 Each Side
Single Leg Deadlifts: 3 x 5 rep
Flow Drill: (10 min time cap)
Snatch: 5,4,3, 2,1 reps on each side immediately followed by
Thrusters: 5 reps each round
30 sec on/ 30 sec off
Swing, Highpull, Snatch 
Perform 1 arm for each interval.  Perform 8 intervals = 8 minutes