Saturday, August 24, 2013

August Announcements!

First, remember that the person(s) who attend the most sessions for the month of August receives a prize for August Perfect Attendance.  If two or more of you tie for first place, then it looks like I'm awarding multiple prize winners.  Let's fight for that first place spot this last week of August!

 Second, I don't want to confuse anyone about our move to the new location.  We will be moving shortly.  We were originally supposed to be in the new location this coming Monday.  We WILL NOT be!  But here is the hard part, I can't promise you a specific date yet:( 
 The new location's build-out is finished.  The flooring is done, as is the painting.  The ceiling is done as well.  We are waiting on the inspectors and fire marshal to sign off.  Once that is done, we have to get professionals in to wire the building for telephone, internet, and networking capabilities.  That will be done soon, but again, I don't have a specific date yet.
  So, we are still holding kettlebell classes in the old location until you receive an email from me stating differently.  I will continue to update the website and facebook with that information.  If you are not used to staying "plugged in" to our kettlebell community online, this week is the week to change that habit!

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