Friday, November 22, 2013

WOD- Under the Wire

Saturday 11/23/13

WOD- Under the Wire

2RFT - 15 Min Time Cap

10 Hollow Body Rocks
20 Two Hand Swings
10 Mountain Climbers
20 Thrusters
10 Plank Climbers
20 Suitcase Deadlift
10 Pushup

Use 1 KB for all lifts. 

Record load and time to completion.  If task is not completed in the given time cap, record the total number of reps completed when time ran out.

1 comment:

  1. 8am

    Yulia -15# 13:33

    Brad- 16k 14:30

    Mark- 16k 11:07

    Maggie- 12k 12:03

    Laura- 12k 14:39


    Fritz- 12k 13:16

    Montrell - 16k 14:15

    Marlon- 20k 11:20

    Sebastian- 16k 11:04

    Colton- 15# 10:28

    Ben- 20k 10:05

    Yvette- 16k 9:09

    Linda- 12k 12:43

    Leslie- 15# 15:17
