Friday, April 25, 2014

Open House Schedule Change for Tomorrow April 26

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow's kettlebell class schedule is slightly altered to make room for the Open House from 10am-2pm at Capital Sports Injury Center.
We have canceled the 8am kettlebell class.

We will have the regularly scheduled 9am class as usual.
And we have a special class open to anyone starting about 10-10:15am.

See you tomorrow morning.  Feel free to stick around for yoga and/or chiropractic care afterward, plus free food!

WOD- Intro Hell

Saturday 4/26/14

Max Time Cap = 15 min

Descending Ladder

10, 9 , 8, 7....1

Goblet Squat

2 Hand Swing

Directions:   Perform 10 Goblet squats, then 10 swings, then 9 squats and 9 swings, etc.  Follow this pattern down to 1 rep of each.  Use 1 kettlebell for both.  Record time to completion and KB load.

Friday, April 18, 2014

WOD- Double Chipper

Saturday, 4/19/14

10 Double KB Single Leg DL
20 Double KB Snatch
30 Double KB Thruster
40 Double KB Push Press
50 Double KB Swing

Max Time = 20 min

Perform the following exercises in the order provided.  You must complete the first exercise before you move onto the second.  The load should be 2 kettlebells of equal size for the entire chipper.  Record the time to completion and the load for comparison to the next time.

Compare to: 10/26/13

Friday, April 11, 2014

WOD- Max Effort 5

 SATURDAY, 7/12/14

You will have approximately 30 minutes to complete the 4 exercises below.  Your goal is to achieve the request repetition maximum (RM) for each exercise, on each arm, before moving onto the next exercise.  It should take you less than 5 sets to achieve the highest weight possible for each RM task.  Record the heaviest weight you used for the requisite RM prescription.

Bottom Up Turkish Getup - 1 RM

Bottom Up Clean and Press- 3 RM

Push Press - 3 RM

2 Hand Swing - 20 RM

Compare to 2/22/14

WOD- Double Trouble

Saturday, 4/12/14


Double Trouble

Perform as many round as possible of the following triplet in the order given until the time limit is completed.  Record the number of rounds, as well as the load.  The load should be the same for all three exercises....

Double KB Rolling Punch- 5/side

Double KB Swing- 10

Double KB Squat- 10

Compare to 10/12/13

Friday, April 4, 2014

WOD- Kettlebell Gymnastics

Saturday, 4/5/14

5 RFT (Rounds for time):

10 Burpees
20 Alternating Swings
10 KB L- Sits

Complete 5 rounds for time in the order given.  Record load (should be 1 KB) and time to completion.

Time Cap: 15 min

Compare to: 11/2/13