Friday, December 27, 2013

New Years Holiday Modified Schedule

Hey guys,

    Hope you had a great Christmas holiday!

We have a modified New Year's Schedule for next week.

Saturday, Dec 28th: Yvette will be here early at 8am, and at 9am, to work off your Xmas treats!

Monday, Dec 30, will be our SPECIAL NEW YEARS training session at 6:30pm.  Please RSVP if you plan to attend, just as we asked last week for the Xmas event.

Tuesday, Dec 31st: Class is Canceled

Wednesday, Jan 1st: Class is Canceled

Thursday, Jan 2nd: Please attend at 6:30pm with Whitney.  She will work the alcohol out of you!

Saturday, Jan 4th: Regular scheduling continues with 8am and 9am classes that morning:)

Thanks for being flexible, and we apologize if this is an inconvenience to you.

WOD- Max Effort 3

 Saturday, 12/28/13

Directions: Over the course of 3-5 sets, work up to the heaviest weight possible for each exercise assigned.  Post your max weight in the comments section for each exercise.

Clean and Jerk - 5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions on each arm)

Snatch -  5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions on each arm)

Thrusters -  5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions)

Compare to 8/3/13

Friday, December 20, 2013

WOD -Cardio 2

Saturday, 12/21/13

20 Minute AMRAP ( as many reps as possible) using an Ascending Ladder for Repetitions.

Directions: Perform the exercises in the order they are given. Perform each repetition on the right and left side before moving onto the next exercise. Once the 20 min time limit starts, you will perform 1 rep of each exercise on each arm. You will then repeat the order using 2 reps on each arm, followed by 3,4,5,6.....Keep moving until your time runs out, at which point, you will log the highest repetition (or round) you made it to, plus any partial rounds.

1 Arm Swing

Compare to 7/6/13

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Kettlebell Holiday Schedule

    We will be canceling kettlebell classes only on these two days:

Tues, Dec 24th (Xmas Eve)

Wed, Dec 25th (Xmas)

    On Monday, Dec 23, we will host our special holiday kettlebell session.  Each holiday, we create a fun, challenging, and interactive kettlebell class for the community.  This classes theme will be "The 12 Days of Christmas!"

    If you plan to attend that class at 6:30pm Monday evening (Dec 23), please email  These holiday kettlebell classes are unusually fun, special you don't want to miss out! Come join the fun!

Friday, December 13, 2013

WOD- Max Effort 2

Saturday, 12/14/13

Work up to a max weight for each movement, using the given repetition maximum assigned.  Do so over the course of 3-5 sets for each exercise.  Once you have used the most amount of weight possible for the prescribed repetitions, you are done that exercise.  Therefore, continue on to the next movement and repeat the process of progressive resistance, ending in a max effort attempt for each one.  The max weight used in each one is what gets logged in the "comments" section below.  FYI, the weight logged needs to be the same for your right and left arm!

1) Turkish Getup - 1RM (1 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 1 repetition)
2) Front Squat - 5RM ( 5 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 5 repetition)
3) Overhead Press - 5RM ( 5 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 5 repetition)

Compare to 7/13/13

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gift Certificates Available

Let's pose an important question:

What better gift is there than the gift of fitness?
If you are having trouble coming up with anything more valuable, that is a good sign you value your own health and well being.  We all can lead much happier lives if we are fit and healthy.  The same is true for your friends and family.
Maybe someone you know is afraid to commit to their health, and perhaps, you can nudge them in the healthy direction.  Consider buying them a gift certificate at Maryland Kettlebells!
Maybe someone you know is already a student at Maryland Kettlebells, but you want to lessen the financial investment for them so that they can take their wife/husband out for a night on the town this month.  Consider buying them a gift certificate at Maryland Kettlebells!
Maybe your son or daughter is finishing their fall sport season, and now is the time to focus on their strength and conditioning.  Maybe you're not sure kettlebell training is right for them, so you want to test the program out for a month before you fully commit to a whole off season of training.  Consider buying them a gift certificate at Maryland Kettlebells!
No matter what the reason, it's always a good time to invest in kettlebell training.  Gift certificates are a meaningful and influential way to show someone you love how valuable our services have been for you.  Share the gift of kettlebell training through the following payment methods at Maryland Kettlebells:
Paypal (quick, easy, with the click of a button)
CC (Visa or MC)
Check (payable to "Maryland Kettlebells")

Once payment is rendered, you will receive an email with an attachment for you to physically print off for the recipient. 
Services include:
6 Class Kettlebell Class Package: $99
1 Month Unlimited Kettlebell Class Package: $149
Personal Training: $55 for 30 min, $110 for 60 min (Package deals available)
Family Group Discounts: available for group kettlebell classes, just ask for more information
Military/ Law Enforcement Discounts: available for group kettlebell classes, just ask for more information
Thank you,

Tonight's (Tuesday) Kettlebell Class Canceled

   Due to inclement weather conditions, tonight's kettlebell class is canceled. Please join us tomorrow, Wednesday, at 6:30pm to resume your training plans!

   Stay safe out there!


Maryland Kettlebell Staff