Thursday, January 31, 2013

Competition Coming Fast!

 I will be hosting another casual kettlebell competition on Saturday, February 9th, at 10am.  It will be held at our office, in the same location that our classes will be held.  Classes will be canceled for that day.  Instead, those wanting to test their fitness will be encouraged to participate in the kettlebell competition

The office is not very large, and as a result, I am limiting the number of participants to the first 20 that register. Therefore, if you are seriously interested, please register immediately, as it will be a first come, first served basis for participation.

Those of you who show up will also be helping to judge! This will be an interactive process that is fun for everyone involved. I want it to be social, and competitive.  Judging will be easy, and participation in the competition will be very similar to what all of you are used to in our classes.  Lots of hard work for a short period of time. 

You will have exactly 10 minutes per event, attempting to achieve as many repetitions in that time as possible. You get to select your own weight.  The lifts include snatch, clean and jerk, double jerk, half snatch, and double clean and jerk.  Pick 1...or pick 3...your choice! I hope to have a great turnout like last time:)


Register here:

Figure out your weight class here:


Super Light- Under 59kg
Light- 59.01-66kg
Middle Light- 66.01-74kg
Middle- 74.01-83kg
Heavy Light- 83.01-93kg
Heavy- 93.01- 105kg
Super Heavy- 105.01- 120kg
Unlimited- 120.01 and over


Super Light- Under 47kg
Light- 47.01-52kg
Middle Light- 52.01-57kg
Middle- 57.01-63kg
Heavy Light- 63.01-72kg
Heavy- 72.01- 83kg
Super Heavy- 83.01- 93kg
Unlimited- 93.01 and over

For Anyone Arriving to Kettlebell Class After 6pm!

For anyone arriving to kettlebell classes after 6pm, this is important! 

The building has a new property manager, and that manager has changed the locking mechanism on the front door to the building.  Previously, we were able to prop the door open after 6pm to allow for any stragglers to come in.  However, that has changed.

If you arrive at the building for a class, and you find the timer lock on the building has locked the front doors, you must walk around (or drive around) to the back of the building to knock on our back door so that we can hear you.  Knock LOUD!  The back door is clearly marked with the words, "Dr. Steven Horwitz, Personal Trainer." It is the door immediately adjacent to the M&T Bank.

Do NOT stand at the front door hoping that someone will come let you in, because in most cases, the other businesses have closed.  Occasionally, you might see the cleaning crew out front and get lucky, but after trying that tactic for a few minutes with no response, go around the back of the building where we can let you in.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Permanent Schedule Change to Kettlebell Classes

Please note that starting this week, on Thursday, Jan 31st, a permanent change in our class schedule will be implemented.
Starting this week, ALL THURSDAYS AND FRIDAYS will have only 1 evening kettlebell class, starting at 6:30pm. Please plan your attendance accordingly.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Kettlebell Class Canceled for Tonight, Jan 25th

Due to the impending weather conditions, kettlebell classes are canceled for tonight.

WOD- Max Effort 3

 Saturday, 1/26/13

Directions: Over the course of 3-5 sets, work up to the heaviest weight possible for each exercise assigned.  Post your max weight in the comments section for each exercise.

Clean and Jerk - 5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions on each arm)

Snatch -  5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions on each arm)

Thrusters -  5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions)

Compare to 10/20/12

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Test Your Fitness on Saturday, Feb 9th, at 10am!

I will be hosting another informal kettlebell competition on Saturday, February 9th, at 10am.  It will be held at our office, in the same location that our classes will be held.  Classes will be canceled for that day.  Instead, those wanting to test their fitness will be encouraged to participate in the kettlebell competition

The office is not very large, and as a result, I am limiting the number of participants to the first 20 that register. Therefore, if you are seriously interested, please register immediately, as it will be a first come, first served basis for participation.

Those of you who show up will also be helping to judge! This will be an interactive process that is fun for everyone involved. I want it to be social, and competitive.  Judging will be easy, and participation in the competition will be very similar to what all of you are used to in our classes.  Lots of hard work for a short period of time. 

You will have exactly 10 minutes per event, attempting to achieve as many repetitions in that time as possible. You get to select your own weight.  The lifts include snatch, clean and jerk, double jerk, half snatch, and double clean and jerk.  Pick 1...or pick 3...your choice! I hope to have a great turnout like last time:)


Register here:

Figure out your weight class here:


Super Light- Under 59kg
Light- 59.01-66kg
Middle Light- 66.01-74kg
Middle- 74.01-83kg
Heavy Light- 83.01-93kg
Heavy- 93.01- 105kg
Super Heavy- 105.01- 120kg
Unlimited- 120.01 and over


Super Light- Under 47kg
Light- 47.01-52kg
Middle Light- 52.01-57kg
Middle- 57.01-63kg
Heavy Light- 63.01-72kg
Heavy- 72.01- 83kg
Super Heavy- 83.01- 93kg
Unlimited- 93.01 and over

Thursday, January 17, 2013

WOD- Cardio 3

 Saturday, 1/19/12

Complete reps for minimum time (20 minute time limit)

5 Getups each side
20 Clean, squat, press on each side
30 Suitcase Deadlift each side
40 Snatches each side

Compare to 10/13/12

Thursday, Jan 17th, Kettlebell Classes Canceled

Due to the impending weather, tonight's kettlebell class is canceled. Class will resume tomorrow, Jan 18th, at 6pm.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Upcoming Kettlebell Competition Scheduled for Saturday, Feb 9th, 2013

I will be hosting another informal kettlebell competition on Saturday, February 9th.  Classes will be canceled for that day.  Instead, those wanting to test their fitness will be encouraged to participate in the kettlebell competition. 

Those of you who show up will also be helping to judge! This will be an interactive process that is fun for everyone involved. I want it to be social, and competitive.  Judging will be easy, and participation in the competition will be very similar to what all of you are used to in our classes.  Lots of hard work for a short period of time. 

You will have exactly 10 minutes per event, attempting to achieve as many repetitions in that time as possible. You get to select your own weight.  The lifts include snatch, clean and jerk, double jerk, half snatch, and double clean and jerk.  Pick 1...or pick 3...your choice! I hope to have a great turnout like last time:)


Register here:

Figure out your weight class here:

Super Light- Under 59kg
Light- 59.01-66kg
Middle Light- 66.01-74kg
Middle- 74.01-83kg
Heavy Light- 83.01-93kg
Heavy- 93.01- 105kg
Super Heavy- 105.01- 120kg
Unlimited- 120.01 and over


Super Light- Under 47kg
Light- 47.01-52kg
Middle Light- 52.01-57kg
Middle- 57.01-63kg
Heavy Light- 63.01-72kg
Heavy- 72.01- 83kg
Super Heavy- 83.01- 93kg
Unlimited- 93.01 and over

WOD - Max Effort 2

Saturday, 1/12/13

Work up to a max weight for each movement, using the given repetition maximum assigned.  Do so over the course of 3-5 sets for each exercise.  Once you have used the most amount of weight possible for the prescribed repetitions, you are done that exercise.  Therefore, continue on to the next movement and repeat the process of progressive resistance, ending in a max effort attempt for each one.  The max weight used in each one is what gets logged in the "comments" section below.  FYI, the weight logged needs to be the same for your right and left arm!

1) Turkish Getup - 1RM (1 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 1 repetition)
2) Front Squat - 5RM ( 5 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 5 repetition)
3) Overhead Press - 5RM ( 5 repetition maximum = max weight moved for 5 repetition)

Compare to: 10/6/12

Friday, January 4, 2013

WOD -Cardio 2

Saturday, 12/5/13

20 Minute AMRAP ( as many reps as possible) using an Ascending Ladder for Repetitions.

Directions: Perform the exercises in the order they are given. Perform each repetition on the right and left side before moving onto the next exercise. Once the 20 min time limit starts, you will perform 1 rep of each exercise on each arm. You will then repeat the order using 2 reps on each arm, followed by 3,4,5,6.....Keep moving until your time runs out, at which point, you will log the highest repetition (or round) you made it to, plus any partial rounds.

1 Arm Swing

Compare to 11/3/12

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Make 2013 Different with Our Help!

It’s 2013, the start of a New Year, and it’s tradition to begin any new year with a set of fitness goals.  How many times have you heard someone say, “my resolution is to get in shape this year?” And yet, so many of those people fail to reach their goals.  Maybe you have been that person before, but Yvette, Whitney, and I are here to help make sure that this year will be different for you!

The first thing you need to do is WRITE DOWN your OBJECTIVE set of goals.  It’s not good enough to just write, “get fit.”  The goals have to be measurable.  Maybe you want to lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks.  Maybe you want to fit into a size 6 pant by April.  Those are measurable, objective goals.  Then you got to identify and commit to a plan of action.  This is where so many people fail.  The plan has to be reasonable, and motivational. Maybe you commit to attending kettlebell classes 3 times a week for the next 3 months.  Or maybe you come to class often, but fail to train outside of class.  For that person, maybe a reasonable plan is to train for 20 minutes, twice a week, for the next 6 months.  Your plan of action must be something you can commit to, and stay consistent with, or else you will fail to achieve your objective, measurable goals. 

So now we have goals that are well defined, that can be measured, and we have a plan to reach those goals in a specified time frame that’s reasonable. Another area people fail is maintaining social support.  Why do you think kettlebell classes are so popular, and growing so fast? Because people make friend there! Because it is easier to train with other people, because those people motivate you not to quit.  Those of you who have failed over and over again at your fitness goals, I bet you have never considered this component.  You must find a group to support you in your goals and your fitness training.  Attending regular kettlebell classes at Maryland Kettlebells will ensure that you form those relationships that keep you motivated and consistent in your day to day plan.  Only then can you expect to stick to your plan, and thereby achieve your objective, measurable goals you have written down. The bottom line is, if you are not attending kettlebell classes at least twice a week, you will likely fail to reach your fitness goals this year.  Make the time to get here….I don’t want to hear the excuse, “I don’t have time!” We all live busy lives…make the time….

Arguably the most important piece of the puzzle is nutrition.  The old adage is “80% of your training is dependent upon what you put in your body.”  If you eat crap, your body will look and perform like crap.  It really is that simple. For a sound nutritional program, ditch the processed foods and stick to what nature intended you to eat. If you can’t kill it, grow it in the soil, or pick it off a plant…don’t eat it.  Familiarize yourself with how Yvette and I eat, and you can be on your way to having the body we enjoy :

But even the best of us fail at this some of the times, and even more important is that the foods we have available today are not nutrient dense like they were for our great grandparents.  Supplementation is key.  Anyone who is truly serious about their health needs to eat well AND supplement their diet. No exceptions.  How do you know where to start? Well, email me! I can direct you to the single best source of high quality supplementation at extremely affordable costs.  This company completely embarrasses all the other supplement companies on the market in effectiveness, quality, and safety!

I’ll leave you with two thoughts.  Your initial commitment to training will leave you sore. Do NOT use ibuprofen or other NSAIDS to solve this problem. Doing so will kill your GI system, kidneys, and liver.  Don’t believe me? Read more here: If you want to try overdrive, and save 30% off the retail price,  act now by emailing me at

And for those of you who missed our newsletter announcing our comprehensive weight management program, read below. This may be the key to you jump starting your New Year’s fitness goals.  If you wish to discuss more about the program, email me right away.  Time is limited in the number of participants that can take advantage of the 30% off discounted pricing, so act quickly!

Weight Management Program!
Over the years so many of our patients have asked about weight loss and weight management. Many have tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Medifast with mixed results. Most have eventually gained the weight back :(

Suffer no longer. We now have the most advanced program available anywhere! Why can I say this? We address ALL the issues dealing with weight management:

1. Eating proper food - we will get you started eating the right food .... that is, real food that actually tastes good! Poor food choices and nutrient void food cause all sorts of metabolic changes preventing proper weight loss like low stomach acid, food cravings, and many nutritient deficiencies  - see #3.

2. Jump starting you with the right meal replacement formula that will be used only for the short term. Many of these plans hook you on their food or meal replacement formulas for the long term.

3. Getting you started on the right nutrients. This is a BIG one because virtually everyone is nutrient deficient. The majority of the population shows a minimum intake of the following nutrients: vitamin B-6, folate, zinc, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-12, phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium and selenium. Many are also deficient in vitamins C, A, D, E and calcium. These nutrient deficiencies are one of the main reasons weight loss programs are unsuccessful and cause havoc on the body. Minimum intakes are WAY below the amount necessary for optimal health. 

4. The right exercise program. Nuff said here, we are the experts in this area without a doubt!

5. A way to deal with the excess skin from successful weight loss. Ever hear of the Galvanic Body Spa? If not, boy, are you in for a treat! This amazing device will help melt away cellulite and excess skin! Ask to see pictures!

6. Support - if you do not have a support system, long term success is doubtful. 

Saturday, Jan 5th, Class Modification

This Saturday, we will only be having the 8am and 9am class.  There will NOT BE a 10am class on Saturday, Jan 5th.

Wednesday, Jan 2nd, Kettlebell Class Canceled

Sorry for the last minute notice, but I am really sick and could not get coverage for the class tonight. I will not be able to teach tonight, so the 6pm class is canceled.  Please jump into Whitney's classes tomorrow and Friday, and I will see you all on Saturday morning.