Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving Partner WOD- Chase the Turkey!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

SWOD- 15min

Turkish Getup- 1RM (Kettlebell or Barbell)


Partner WOD- 25 Min Time Cap

While 1 Partner is completing the kettlebell movement, the other partner is completing the locomotion drill until the kettlebell task is completed by their partner. The whole sequence is then repeated, but the partners switch the movements, before moving onto the next couplet of exercises. 

Notes for Logistics in Class: Position the KB that is being shared by the partners at one end of the floor, and the second partner will perform the locomotion drills across the floor until partner#1 is finished their kettlebell exercise.  Once completed, the partners will switch their roles, complete that couplet, before moving onto the next locomotion drill/ kettlebell couplet

30  KB One Hand Russian Swing
Bear Crawl (until partner finished swing)

30 KB Snatches
Duck Walk ( until partner finished snatch)

30 KB Thrusters
Crab Walk ( until partner finished thruster)

30 KB Row
Inchworm ( until partner finished row)

30 KB Reverse Lunges
Spiderman Crawl ( until partner finished lunges)

Record time to completion and the load used of each team.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

Kettlebell Classes Canceled Tomorrow

Please remember that tomorrow's classes are canceled in lieu of the kettlebell competition being hosted at Terrapin CrossFit.

   For those wishing to spectate or volunteer their time, the competition starts at 9am.  If you wish to participate, and still have not registered, please arrive at 8am with $25 as your registration fee.

   It will be fun!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tues 11-18-14

Reminder for This Saturday, November 22nd

Attention Regular Kettlebell Students and Competitors:
     On November 22nd (this Saturday), our regularly scheduled kettlebell classes are canceled, to be replaced by our last IKLF kettlebell competition of 2014.  It will be hosted at Terrapin CrossFit
at 8am-12noon.

      For those of you who regularly attend Saturday classes, why not register to participate in the event?  You will be performing the same exercises you do every week, in a very similar fashion, with similar time constraints.  Just treat it as a workout...rather than think of it as a competition!
     For the rest of my contact list, if you are interested and haven't registered, please jump on it immediately.  Spaces are almost gone.
    Remember, there are 6 possible event choices, but I highly suggest doing a maximum of 3 events due to the short breaks between events.


Friday, November 14, 2014

Saturday 11/15/14

Double Sumo DL - 10RM
Double Alternating Row - 10RM (5 each side)


Chipper- 20 min

10 Turkish Getups
20 Suitcase Deadlifts
30 Clean and Press
40 Snatch
50 Alternating Swings

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Friday, November 7, 2014

Saturday Nov 8th, 2014


Renegade Row - 10RM

Double KB Thruster- 10RM


AMRAP - 12

10 Bodyweight Burpees
10 KB Clean
10 KB Jerk

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Wed 11-5-14

Holiday Kettlebell Event

I really would like to see several Maryland Kettlebells athletes participate in this event. They are a ton of fun, and every class attended has prepared you for this type of event. Anyone who's interested in a fun, local competition that only costs $25 to can't beat this.

Register here:

It will be held at my new gym, called Terrapin CrossFit on Saturday, Nov 22.

If you have any questions before registering, please email me directly or call my cell.