Friday, March 22, 2013

WOD- Cardio 6

 Saturday, 3/23/13

As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes

ALL ARE DONE WITH 1 KB. Perform the number of reps required on each arm before moving onto the next exercise.

Thrusters (1 Bell) - 5 reps
Snatch (1 Bell) - 15 reps each arm
Clean and Jerk (1 Bell) - 10 reps each arm
1 Hand Swing (1 Bell) - 15 reps

Compare to 12/22/12

1 comment:

  1. 8am

    Jane M- 20# 3+1
    Karen M- 20# 3+1
    Giacomo- 25# 3
    Yulia- 10# 4


    Marlon- 20k 2+20
    Michelle- 20# 2+53
    Gabe- 25# 5+25 (Push Press)
    Colton- 15# 1+22
    Pat-30# 2+25
    Leslie C- 10# 3+26


    Maria N. 20# 4+64
    Dahlia- 15# 3 (Push Press)
    Lina- 15# 4+15 (Push Press)
