Friday, July 20, 2012

WOD- Max Effort 3

Directions: Over the course of 3-5 sets, work up to the heaviest weight possible for each exercise assigned.  Post your max weight in the comments section for each exercise.

Clean and Jerk - 5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions on each arm)

Snatch -  5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions on each arm)

Thrusters -  5RM (Max weight for 5 repetitions)

Compare to 4/26/12


  1. 8am

    Pat- 20k, 24k, 16k

    Gabe- 24k for all

    Jane- 8k, 20#, 20#

  2. 9am

    Mark- 20k, 24k, 24k

    Doug- 46.5#, 20k, 46.5#

    Victor- 24k, 28k, 24k

    Leslie C- 22.5#, 20#, 25#

    Linda- 37.5#, 25#, 30#

    ME- 36k for all

  3. Julie- 25# 30# (highpull), 25#

    Dave- 24k, 20k, 20k

    Larry- 32k, 28k, 28k
