Friday, April 18, 2014

WOD- Double Chipper

Saturday, 4/19/14

10 Double KB Single Leg DL
20 Double KB Snatch
30 Double KB Thruster
40 Double KB Push Press
50 Double KB Swing

Max Time = 20 min

Perform the following exercises in the order provided.  You must complete the first exercise before you move onto the second.  The load should be 2 kettlebells of equal size for the entire chipper.  Record the time to completion and the load for comparison to the next time.

Compare to: 10/26/13

1 comment:

  1. 8am

    Kris 8k 14:42

    Linda MOD 15:03


    Mark 8k 12:44

    Stephanie 10# 14:40

    Colton 15# 19:06

    Ben 14k 17:30

    Chris 12k 12:15

    KC- 12k 15:00

    Julie 8k MOD

    David 12k 18:03
