Friday, January 10, 2014

WOD- Cardio 4

Saturday, 1/11/14

21-15-9 (complete for minimum time)

Double KB Snatches
Double KB Burpees (includes pushup and deadlift)

Perform with 2 Kettlebells of equal size for both movements

Modifications include:

1 KB Snatch
 BW Burpees
Double KB Burpees (without pushup)

Compare to 8/10/13

1 comment:

  1. 8am

    Laura: 13:00 8K
    Kris: 13:06 15# (high pulls)
    Mark: 13:47 30#/44# burpee RX
    Yulia: 13:06 8K
    Jane: 12:19 20# (single snatch)


    Marlon 13:08 16K/24K burpee RX
    Sebastian 13:11 16K RX
    Brad 13:30 12K
    Leslie 11:54 10#
    Dave 13:01 25#
    Montrell 11:00 16K RX
    Cristian 10:32 8K/25#
    Berry 11:58 8K (rom) RX
