Friday, January 31, 2014

WOD- KB Fight Gone Bad

 Saturday, Feb 1, 2014

WOD- Kettlebell Fight Gone Bad


Minute 1:  KB Thrusters (53/35)
Minute 2:  KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53/35)
Minute 3:  BW Burpees
Minute 4:  KB Jerk (53/35)
Minute 5:  KB One Arm Swing (53/35)
Minute 6:  REST
Minute 7:  KB Thrusters (53/35)
Minute 8:  KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53/35)
Minute 9:  BW Burpees
Minute 10:  KB Jerk (53/35)
Minute 11:  KB One Arm Swing (53/35)
Minute 12:  REST
Minute 13:  KB Thrusters (53/35)
Minute 14:  KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53/35)
Minute 15:  BW Burpees
Minute 16:  KB Jerk (53/35)
Minute 17:  KB One Arm Swing (53/35)
Minute 18: Collapse on the floor dying for air!

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating.

On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep.  Athletes will record their TOTAL REPS over the 17 minutes of training as their score to beat next time!

Compare previous scores here: Nov 9, 2013

1 comment:

  1. 8am

    Stacy- 15# 251

    Laura- 20# 308

    Jane- 20# 348

    Yulia- 15# 280

    Kris- 8k 195

    Jason- 24k 280


    Yvette-16k 347

    Dave- 16k 227

    Sebastian- 20k 212

    Adam- 20k 211

    Chris- 12k 262

    Cristan 20# 283

    Leslie- 15# 276

    Montrell- 16k 196

    Danny- 16k 247

    Marlon- 24k 187
