Friday, September 14, 2012

WOD- Cardio 1

 Saturday, 9/15/12

As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes

ALL ARE DONE WITH 1 KB. Perform the number of reps required on each arm before moving onto the next exercise.

Thrusters (1 Bell) - 5 reps
Snatch (1 Bell) - 15 reps each arm
Clean and Jerk (1 Bell) - 10 reps each arm
1 Hand Swing (1 Bell) - 15 reps

Compare to 6/15/12


  1. 8am

    Elaine- 12k; 4+40

    Lisa- 20#; 3+50

    Jacque- 15#; sub highpull for snatch; 2+40

    Valerie- 8k; 4

    Gabe- 12k; 3+46

  2. 9am

    Fritz- 16k; 3+10

    Pat- 16k; 2+40

    Linda- 20#; 4+21

    Mark- 16k; 3+17

    Leslie C.- 15#; 3
