Friday, July 11, 2014

WOD- Max Effort 5

 SATURDAY, 7/12/14

You will have approximately 30 minutes to complete the 4 exercises below.  Your goal is to achieve the request repetition maximum (RM) for each exercise, on each arm, before moving onto the next exercise.  It should take you less than 5 sets to achieve the highest weight possible for each RM task.  Record the heaviest weight you used for the requisite RM prescription.

Bottom Up Turkish Getup - 1 RM

Bottom Up Clean and Press- 3 RM

Push Press - 3 RM

2 Hand Swing - 20 RM

Compare to 2/22/14

1 comment:

  1. 8am

    Dave- 12k, 14k, 28k, 44k

    Amy- 27.5#, 14k, 20k, 32k

    Montrell- 16k, 16k, 32k, 36k

    Kris- 8k, 8k, 16k, 28k

    Laura- 22.5#, 12k, 37.5#, 28k


    Leslie- 15#, 20#, 20#, 30#

    KC- 12k, 16k, 32k, 44k

    Ben- 14k, 16k, 24k, 40k

    Colton- 12.5#, 15#, 12k, 20k

    Linda- 27.5#, 27.5#, 16k, 32k

    Chris- 16k, 16k, 32k, 44k

    Lina- 8k, 20#, 30#, 16k
