Friday, April 4, 2014

WOD- Kettlebell Gymnastics

Saturday, 4/5/14

5 RFT (Rounds for time):

10 Burpees
20 Alternating Swings
10 KB L- Sits

Complete 5 rounds for time in the order given.  Record load (should be 1 KB) and time to completion.

Time Cap: 15 min

Compare to: 11/2/13

1 comment:

  1. 8am

    Chris 12k 11:13

    Jess 8k 11:13

    Alex 15# 4+33

    Dave 12k DNF Nausea

    Dee 10# 14:09

    Laura- 12k 11:50

    Julie 8k MOD

    Kris 8k 13:53


    Montrell 12k 14:15

    Cristan 8k 13:23

    Ben 16k

    Colton 8k

    Sebastian 14k Got through 4+14

    Heather 12k 11:01

    Nick 16k 10:48

    Leslie 15# 14:54

    Mark F- 24k 13:05
