Obviously people didn't used to struggle with their weight to the extent that we see today. The obesity and type-II diabetes epidemic that is sweeping society is a fairly new phenomenon. The fact is that a modern diet high in grains, corn, sugar, trans fat and other processed foods is practically designed to make you fat and lower your ultra important testosterone levels.
It is literally killing you slowly! Add this diet to a sedentary life of sitting at work, sitting in the car, and then sitting on the couch and you have yourself a recipe for a whole lot of fat people. Don't believe me? Then make a trip to your local Wal-Mart, Las Vegas or any amusement park and watch the whale-people waddle by.

Processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle will make almost anyone fat. But at the risk of sounding like a codling parent, it's really not your fault, the odds are against you. Factor in all the misinformation out there on health and weight loss and it only gets worse. Everywhere you turn there is some new fad diet, some magical pill, or a silly contraption that will somehow melt the fat off your belly effortlessly. Guess what? It is all a lie. The weight loss business is not trying to help you lose weight. It is trying to sell you the idea of losing weight. Heck, if their products really worked it would be front page news and everyone would be on board tomorrow. The fact is there is no magical product to make you lose fat effortlessly, but there is a solution, you just have to take a look back at your ancestors for it.
Our Ancestors
I don't think people realize just how close to rawhide our ancestors were up until the industrial revolution. Before cars people either rode a horse or walked to get where they needed to be. Before grocery stores they literally killed or grew what they ate. Before specialized trades they actually built their own house, made their own tools, and did their own dirty work. Life was tougher, simpler, healthier and less stressful except in times of war or famine, which of course served to weed out the weak. Simply put, people burned a ton of energy doing everyday activities and ate nothing but organic food.
In fact, 150,000 years of human evolution was spent living as hunter gatherer populations. Only in the last 10,000 years did agriculture begin, and even then only in certain populations. What this means is that we are still genetically designed to be hunter gatherers. Our bodies haven't even properly adapted to grains yet, let alone TV dinners laden with trans-fats. We are designed to spend our days hiking looking for food, doing a bit of sprinting now and then, and if we escaped from whatever was chasing us, to possibly lift and throw some heavy stuff or wrestle a rival in our tribe.
What I am getting at here is that we are not meant to spend our days sitting on our fat asses sipping on pop! We are meant to be ferocious warriors and hunters. I guarantee your ancestors were, or else you wouldn't exist right now. Before agriculture, only the strong survived, and they got all the hot, fit cave chicks too, thereby spreading their genes instead of those of the weakling. Now I think it's time we take back our manhood, our health, and our bodies. It is time we embrace our past and be like the warriors of old, strong of mind, body and spirit. Now I am not telling you to put on a spiked helmet and run down the street with a battle axe chopping up fat people. What I mean is we need to embrace the spirit of our uber masculine ancestors who slayed beasts and rivals to protect themselves and feed their families.
Believe it or not this process begins in the kitchen because how you eat will determine whether you look like Tarzan or the fat kid who wears a shirt in the pool.
Obviously people didn't used to struggle with their weight to the extent that we see today. The obesity and type-II diabetes epidemic that is sweeping society is a fairly new phenomenon. The fact is that a modern diet high in grains, corn, sugar, trans fat and other processed foods is practically designed to make you fat and lower your ultra important testosterone levels. buy kettlebells