Friday, February 24, 2012

WOD- Max Effort 4 REPEAT

Directions:  End with the highest weight possible for the given exercise and repetitions. Spend 3-5 sets getting to that heaviest weight.  Log the weight, and if it is different on the left and right arm.

Windmill - 5RM

Reverse Lunge- 5RM

Lateral Lunge- 5RM

1 Arm Swing - 10RM

Compare to 12/16/11


  1. 8am

    Jane- 20#/12k/12k/16k


    Kathy- 16k/(2)27.5#/14k/24k

    Denise T- 15#/20#/20#/20#

    Karen M- 8k/12k/30#/25#

    Fritz- 28k/36k/36k/44k

  2. 9am

    Amy- 24k/24k/24k/36k

    Linda- 35#/20k/20k/28k

    Whitney- 16k/20k/24k/24k

    Leslie C- 22.5#/ 25#(ROM)/ 25#(ROM)/ 35#

  3. 10am

    Neal- 20k/28k/24k/36k

    Lina- 28.5#/ 32.5#/ 35#/ 20k

    Bruce- 27.5#/ Front Squat (2)16k/ Suitcase DL 16k/ 20k

    Chasedaw- 16k/24k/28k/16k

    Dave- 24k/ 24k/ 24k/ 28k

    Pat- 24k/ 28k/ 24k/ 40K
