Tuesday, April 13, 2010

GROUPON Kettlebell Classes

People seeking to redeem their GroupOn Kettlebell Classes should call our Silver Spring office at 301-622-9000.

Become a fan of our Maryland Kettlebells: see http://www.facebook.com/pages/Silver-Spring-MD/Maryland-Kettlebells-Silver-Spring-Montgomery-County/110810565620028

For those new to kettlebells, here is some relevant information for you!

What are kettlebells?  A fitness tool, made of a solid piece of steel, that resembles a cannonball with a handle.

Why should I train with them?  Because no other piece of equipment will get you strong and ripped as quickly as them.  Since they have an off-center of mass, it takes tremendous strength, balance, mobility, and calories to perform the exercise.  Ironically, despite how challenging they can feel, the technique behind the exercises are surprisingly simple and natural.  A single 30 minute session can burn 400 calories and build some serious muscle!

What do you do with them?  Swing them! Fast! Or better yet, lay on your back and smoothly climb to your feet in your "turkish getup."  Kettlebell exercises are incredibly dynamic and fun.  You will never get bored, and they will always challenge you!

How often you use them?  Commit to at least 3 times a week, for at least 20-30 minutes each session.  Because of the technical and dynamic nature of the exercises, you will want to have frequent practice in order to drill high-tension and high-velocity movements for the next several months!  Don't worry, soon enough you'll be hooked!

Where can I buy them?  If you want to buy sizes less than 35lbs, you can get them at a local WalMart, Target, Dicks, etc.  If you want larger sizes, you will have to order online.  I prefer this site, as they are cheaper, but still great quality: http://www.mbodystrength.com/kettlebells.html?source=pjn&subid=9033


  1. Ok, so I'm intrigued. I was always in good shape, never an extra ounce, active constantly. Then came the wheelchair... 8 years of sitting and it isn't a pretty picture! I still have decent upper body strength, no stamina and a decent chunk o' me to get rid of. Is your facility wheelchair accessible?

  2. Yes, the facility is wheelchair accessible. However, I am unable to allow your participation, as you can't swing a kettlebell properly sitting, and these are group classes. My apologies...

  3. I have patella femoral syndrome in my left knee and, as a result, I can't perform deep squats or lunges. In spite of this, would I still benefit from taking your beginner class?

  4. Of course you can participate in the beginner classes despite your knee pain. You are welcome to participate!

  5. Really nice post… I’ve just tweet it!

  6. equipment will get you strong and ripped as quickly as them. Since they have an off-center of mass, it takes tremendous strength, balance, mobility, and calories to perform the exercise. kettlebell set
