Friday, January 20, 2012

WOD- Cardio 2 REPEAT

20 Minute AMRAP ( as many reps as possible) using an Ascending Ladder for Repetitions.

Directions:  Perform the exercises in the order they are given. Perform each repetition on the right and left side before moving onto the next exercise.  Once the 20 min time limit starts, you will perform 1 rep of each exercise on each arm.  You will then repeat the order using 2 reps on each arm, followed by 3,4,5,6.....Keep moving until your time runs out, at which point, you will log the highest repetition (or round) you made it to, plus any partial rounds.

1 Arm Swing

Compare to 10/28/11


  1. 8am

    Mahmood- 20#/ 4 rnds

    Charlene- 10#/ 5 rnds

    Todd- 20#/ 8 rnds + 5 windmills

  2. 9am

    Linda- 25#/ 8 rnds + 1 windmill

    Kathy- 25#/ 7 rnds + 4 snatches

    Mark- 16k/ 7 rnds + 16 windmills

    Fritz- 16k/ 7 rnds + 16 windmills

    Jason- 28k/ 5 rnds + 12 snatches

  3. 10am

    Dave- 16k/ 5 rnds + 12 snatches

    Jackie- 10#/ 5 rnds

    Bruce- 15#/ 4 rnds + 5 thrusters

    Lina- 20#/ 8 rnds

    Denise- 10#/ 6 rnds
