Sunday, September 13, 2015

Schedule Change

This coming Saturday, September 19th, Yvette and I will be participating in our third weightlifting competition in York, PA.  Unfortunately, kettlebell classes for that day will need to be canceled.  Please adjust your training plans this week to take that into consideration.

Also, as a general change, I will need to compress Saturday classes into 1 class only.  For the last 8 weeks, the 8am class time has been almost empty.  However, on the Labor Day holiday class at 8:30am, we had 12 students in attendance.  Having more students makes the whole experience more enjoyable for everyone.  I would like your input on which option you would prefer.

We either:

A) Meet at 9am only (canceling 8am entirely for the future).


B) Meet at 8:30am only (splitting the class start time straight down the middle)

For those of you who intend on coming Saturdays, please reply to this email indicating which option you would want most.

Thank you, and sorry for any inconvenience this may cause in your training plans.

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