Friday, February 14, 2014

WOD- Love Your Partner

Saturday, 2/14/14

Partner AMRAP-10

Complete as many rounds as possible with your partner using the following rules:

**Partner 1: Must complete 1 turkish getup on each arm

**Partner 2: Must complete as many snatches on each arm as possible DURING THE TIME partner 1 completes their turkish getup

**Partners must switch back and forth throughout the entire AMRAP

Score is the total number of repetitions the pair completed (turkish getups + snatches)

Loads will be recorded as well.

1 comment:

  1. 8am

    Mark 16k + Jason 53# 163 reps

    Yulia 15# + Jane 20# 189 reps MOD

    Laura 20# + Kris 8k 180 reps

    Dave 16k + Julie 10# 162 reps MOD


    Leslie 15# + Linda 20# 201 reps

    Sebastian 20k + Montrell 16k 189 reps

    Cristan 12k + Rasheeda 15# 109 reps

    Errol 12k + Aiden 12k 140 reps

    Frankie 10# + Marlon 16k 53 reps MOD

    Rachel 12k + Yvette 16k + Danny 16k 232 reps
