Saturday, September 3, 2011


Descending Ladder ( Record time to completion and weight used)

Turkish Getup - 1 rep each set on each side

             Followed by:

1 Arm Snatches - 10, 9, 8,....1 reps

Directions: Start on your back. Use turkish getup to stand up, perform your 10 snatches, then leave the bell up on the 10th snatch.  Return to the ground, reversing your turkish getup.  Switch sides, repeating the same sequence.  When you return to the first side, once you are standing, you will only perform 9 snatches, then go back down to the ground.  You will continue in the descending pattern until you end with 1 turkish getup and 1 snatch on each arm.


  1. 8AM

    Dave: 20# - 22:37

    Craig- 8k - DNF, made it through 5 reps of snatches

    Doug- 20# - 21:43

    Victor- 20# - 19:29

  2. 9AM

    Amy - 20# - 14:01

    Quentin- 10#- 12:38

    Linda- 20# - 12:34

    Jaimie- 12k - 13:02 (Dropped to 8k for 2 sets of snatches)

    Leslie B- 20# - 13:33

    Fritz- 30# - 15:45

  3. 10AM

    Pat- 20# - 12:43

    Lina- 15# -15:27

    Joan- 10# - 18:19

    Rosa- 15# - 17:15 (replaced snatches with swings)

    Marianne- 10# - 19:09

    Afua- 10# - 16:01

    Naudy - 8k - 16:18
