Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This Week's Routine - Shoulder Blitz

I posted a 5 minute kettlebell routine focusing on total body recruitment, which quickly became very popular on youtube.  So in response to that demand, I turned the video camera on during one of my many shoulder exercise circuits.  Here it is:

Please keep in mind that these are advanced exercises.  If you have not mastered the basic swings and getups, and perhaps even cleans, presses, and snatches (videos to come), I would focus on those exercises first.  For the record on terminology, the video above shows exercises in the following order:
1) Kettlebell Pummel
2) Kettlebell Side Press
3) Kettlebell Bend Press (with some Kettlebell Windmills thrown in as well)

1 comment:

  1. 5 minute kettlebell routine focusing on total body recruitment, which quickly became very popular on youtube. So in response to that demand, I turned the video camera on during one of my many shoulder exercise circuits. kettlebell set
